April 22, 2002 Achiever
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 April 22. 2002
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Secretary Paige kicked off an exciting 25-city No Child Left Behind Tour Across America on April 8 in Albuquerque, NM, at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. The secretary spoke to a crowd of nearly 2,000 students, parents and community members, and he urged parents to actively participate in improving America's schools. He said, "There's nothing more powerful for school change than a parent who's informed and engaged and has options." Joining Secretary Paige were Senator Jeff Bingaman; Congresswoman Heather Wilson; Congressman Tom Udall; First Lady of New Mexico, Dee Johnson; Miss Navajo Nation, Radmilla Cody; several Governors of local Native American Tribes; and Olympic Gold Medallist, Tristan Gale (women's skeleton 2002).

On Tuesday, April 9, Secretary Paige traveled to Atlanta, GA, where he was joined by Governor Roy Barnes, Congressman Johnny Isakson, Congressman Saxby Chambliss, Atlanta Falcons running back Bob Christian, and Olympic Silver Medallist, Shannon Bahrke (women's moguls 2002) for another parents' rally.

Secretary Paige ended the first week of his Tour Across America with an event in the plaza outside the U.S. Department of Education headquarters in Washington, D.C. by unveiling a banner advertising a new web site ( to all who pass by. The building is across the street from the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum -- the most frequented in the nation's capital with more than 10 million visitors annually. Reinforcing his message that parents and community leaders are integral to reaching the goal of leaving no child behind, the secretary was joined by Dr. Dorothy Height of the National Council of Negro Women and Washington Redskins' All-Pro cornerback Darrell Green.

At the April 16, 2002, Satellite Town Meeting, Under Secretary of Education Eugene Hickok hosted a panel that explored how communities around the country are working to ensure all high school students possess the academic and technical skills necessary to successfully transition to college and enter meaningful careers. During the hour, Under Secretary Hickok and the guest panelists examined the tremendous challenges high schools face today and successful ways to overcome those challenges. The discussion covered a range of issues including what role standards and assessments play in ensuring all students are well prepared, to the importance of teaching reading to high school youth to improve their literacy skills. The program also featured audience testimonials and short videos on efforts to improve America's high schools.

On April 17, 2002, Secretary Paige, U.S. Treasurer Rosario Marín and America's Promise CEO Peter Gallagher joined the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans for a Town Hall Meeting at Rancho High School in Las Vegas, NV. This was the second stop in the western United States on the secretary's No Child Left Behind Tour Across America.


April 25th

Secretary Paige will deliver the commencement address at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.

Look for our upcoming announcement of the next cities on Secretary Paige's Tour Across America.


When children become good readers in the early grades, they are more likely to become better learners throughout their school years and beyond. Reading aloud to young children is a great way to ensure their future success.

Choose a comfortable place where the children can sit near you. Help them feel safe and secure. Be enthusiastic about reading. Show the children that reading is an interesting and rewarding activity. When children enjoy being read to, they will grow to love books and be eager to learn to read.

If you have older children, you might read part of the newspaper with them each morning and discuss what they think about certain articles.


"Our job is to make sure every American understands this law and the new spirit behind it. It is our job to make sure every person working with the schools understands the commitment our elected leaders have made—the results Congress and the president demand."
Secretary of Education, Rod Paige

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Last Modified: 11/02/2006

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