The Library of Congress

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wedding ceremony
Exploring Cultural Rituals

Oral Presentation Rubric

Time (10 points)

Was the presentation the required assigned time?


Volume (10 points)

Did the student's speaking volume enhance or diminish the presentation?


Gestures (10 points)

Did hand movements enhance or detract from the presentation?


Rate (10 points)

Did the student speak at an optimum rate?


Articulation (10 points)

Did the student enunciate words or use word crutches "uh" or "you know" that detracted from the presentation?


Pronunciation (10 points)

Were all words correctly pronounced?


Visual (10 points)

Did the student include an appropriate visual?


Student Question (10 points)

Did the student include a question that could be answered from the information given in the presentation?


Bibliography (25 points)

Are sources correctly cited using APA or MLA form?


Total number of points out of 150 __________




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Last updated 09/26/2002