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Exploring Cultural Rituals

American Life Histories - Comparison and Contrast

Write a three page comparison and contrast essay of a custom or celebration from two different sources in American Life Histories: Manuscripts from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1940.

You may write your essay (legibly) or use the word processor on the computers. Include a bibliography at the end of the paper using the MLA- Style Citation Format (2 citations) for American Memory text documents.

First page: Introduction: Give details of the people being interviewed (location-age-custom-setting-other details).

Second page: Compare the custom or celebration. How is it similar? How is it different? Compare it to a celebration you have attended or compare it to a custom in which you have participated or observed.

Third page: Is this custom or ritual celebrated today? Why or why not? Why do you think the celebration is important? Do you have any questions you would have liked to ask the subject of the interview?

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Last updated 09/26/2002