The MINER Act of 2006 and Related NIOSH Activities

Refuge Chambers

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Over the years the mining industry has implemented a number of safety protections in the event of explosions or fires. Refuge chambers are one option in several countries, mostly in metal and non-metal mines, where the non-combustible nature of the ore is not a threat to the well-being of miners. In the United States, the use of refuge chambers in coal mines has generated debate. While refuge chambers can save lives, it is also argued that they may cause miners to seek refuge rather than attempt to escape their hazardous situation. There are a number of considerations involved with this approach, including the capabilities of stations, the type and location of structures, design criteria, and maintenance and training issues. Recent discussions have generated some consensus among stakeholder groups on refuge concepts as part of an escape strategy. Specifically, the merits of at least two concepts have emerged: inflatable/portable devices for use at the face, and "refuge rooms" for use outby. The refuge rooms could serve as "way stations" or "safe havens" as escaping miners make their way out of the mine. Being somewhat more permanent in nature, these rooms could in some cases be connected to the surface with a borehole, which would offer many other benefits.

NIOSH plans to address the engineering issues associated with the construction and application of the various refuge alternatives through contract research. The knowledge developed through this contract will be used to develop recommended practices documents and other practical guidelines for mines, and to establish potential criteria for a possible approval and certification process for refuge chambers.

Contracts and Grants

One request for proposals has been announced


Research Report on Refuge Alternatives for Underground Coal Mines (PDF, 121 KB) and related Refuge Alternative Research New 01/24/08

Barricading Makes a Comeback? (PDF, 1020 KB)
Brnich-MJ Jr.; Vaught-C | Falls Church, VA: U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, Holmes Safety Association Bulletin, 1997 Nov; :14