NIOSH Mining Site

Lake Lynn Laboratory

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Lake Lynn Laboratory
Lake Lynn Laboratory
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The Lake Lynn Laboratory (LLL) is located 50 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, PA. It consists of an underground limestone mine and surface quarry area. The underground mine portion is a sophisticated underground facility for conducting large-scale explosion trials and mine fire research. Entries are sized to match those of commercial mines, making them authentic, full-scale test galleries. Other facilities located at LLL are the Hydrostatic Testing Chambers for Mine Seals, the Fire Gallery, the Fire Suppression Facility, and the Explosives Testing Site.

LLL Facilities:  Lake Lynn Experimental Mine , Fire Suppression Facility , Mine Fire Preparedness Facility , Explosives Testing Site (Upper Quarry) , Explosives Testing Site (Plateau) , DC Trolley Railway System , Simulated Underground Mine Facility , Fire Gallery

LLL Laboratories:  Lake Lynn Diesel Laboratory , Hydrostatic Testing Chambers for Mine Seals , Lake Lynn Cannon Gallery

Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 1/30/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division