NIOSH Mining Laboratory

Motion Analysis Laboratory

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Researchers calibrating the motion analysis system
Researchers calibrating the motion analysis system
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Data on human movement is useful for simulation modeling (using virtual humans) and for biomechanical studies. Force plates measure forces at the feet which, when combined with motion data from the motion analysis capture system, provide information regarding the loads experienced by the joints of the body during work activities. EMG equipment measures muscle activity, which is used to estimate muscular fatigue and the force needed to perform a task. This laboratory allows researchers to test new methods of performing work under controlled conditions, so that physical stresses can be minimized and injury risk can be reduced. Specific equipment located in this laboratory includes: Motion AnalysisCorporation 12 camera Eagle System, Noraxon TeleMyo 2400R 16 Channel Base System, Biometrics Portable 4 Channel EMG System SX2300 (4), Biometrics Dual Axis Goniometers, and K100 Amplifier Base Unit.

Site:  Pittsburgh Research Laboratory

Equipment:  Motion Analysis Eagle i Motion Analysis Capture System

Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 5/30/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division