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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 02162

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Location of Container:
Area E , drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St ., column 11, row 01
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1: see list of samples; 2: see samples in Google Earth; 3: see samples in Google Maps.

Item # Activity ID Contact Team Contents
194349  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Box J. GECO 1980 Santa Barbara Channel Lines 
194350  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  AGC Lines 30 to 49 
194351  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Depth Section Lines 30 to 35, 36 (in two parts), 37 to 49 
194352  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Migrated Section Lines 30 to 49 
194353  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Relative Amplitude, Reverse Polarity Lines 30 to 49 
194354  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Relative Amplitude, Normal Polarity Lines 30 to 49 
194355  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  AGC and Migrated Stack Line 38 at one-half scale 
194356  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Box J. GECO 1980 Santa Barbara Channel Lines 
194357  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  AGC Lines 30 to 49 
194358  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Depth Section Lines 30 to 35, 36 (in two parts), 37 to 49 
194359  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Migrated Section Lines 30 to 49 
194360  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Relative Amplitude, Reverse Polarity Lines 30 to 49 
194361  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Relative Amplitude, Normal Polarity Lines 30 to 49 
194362  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  AGC and Migrated Stack Line 38 at one-half scale 
194363  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Migrated Section Lines 70 to 75 pt 1 and pt 2 
194364  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Migrated Sections Lines 20 to 29 
194365  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Depth Sections Lines, 20 to 29; Lines P-1 to P-10; and Lines 70 to 75 pt 1 and pt 2 
194366  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  AGC and Migrated Line P-9 (one-half scale) 
194373  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  GECO 1980 Santa Barbara Channel 
194374  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Migrated lines 50 to 69 
194375  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  AGC lines 50 to 69 
194376  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Depth lines 50 to 69 
194377  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Normal Polarity lines 50 to 69 
194378  o180sc  Jon Childs  CMG  Reverse Polarity lines 50 to 69 
Item # Activity ID Contact Team Contents

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