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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 01316

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CMG Staff: Nationwide   Menlo Park & Santa Cruz   St. Petersburg   Woods Hole  
CMG Facilities: Offices   Labs   Research Libraries   Research Platforms   Other  
CMG Directions: to Menlo Park   to Santa Cruz   to St. Petersburg   to Woods Hole   to MARFAC   to MOF   to O'Brien  

Location of Container:
Area C , drawers on plastic pallets, in Warehouse at 1050 O'Brien St ., column 35, row 03
For lat/long information, click the Activity ID link, then...
page section highlighting Samples and samp(GE GM)
1: see list of samples; 2: see samples in Google Earth; 3: see samples in Google Maps.

Item # Activity ID Contact Team Contents Comments
150052  b189le  Peter Barnes  CMG  sand sample plots   
150053  b189le  Peter Barnes  CMG  notebook   
150054  b189le  Peter Barnes  CMG  grain size analysis   
150055  b189le  Peter Barnes  CMG  weather data  Lake Erie, Dec. 1989 
150056  b190le  Peter Barnes  CMG  notebook   
150057  b190le  Peter Barnes  CMG  grain size analysis   
150058  b190le  Peter Barnes  CMG  OFR 90537   
150059  b190le  Peter Barnes  CMG  OPF 91619A and B  Lake Erie, Feb. and Apr. 1990 
150060  B193GR  Peter Barnes  CMG  OFR 93539   
150061  B193GR  Peter Barnes  CMG  OFR 9657   
Item # Activity ID Contact Team Contents Comments

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