About the Performing Arts Encyclopedia

The Performing Arts Encyclopedia (PAE) is a guide to performing arts resources at the Library of Congress. The PAE provides information about the Library's unsurpassed collections of scores, sheet music, audio recordings, films, photographs, and other materials. Users can find digitized items from the collections; special Web presentations on topics and collections; articles and biographical essays; finding aids to collections; databases for performing arts resources; information on concerts at the Library; and a special Performing Arts Resource Guide which contains entries for hundreds of Library collections, Web sites, databases and exhibits. (In the latter, each entry describes the resource and provides a link to it if there is an online finding aid or Web site available.
Note: the current Performing Arts Resource Guide only contains a limited amount of records pointing to collections and online resources. For a more complete search of what’s available online, use the search box on the lefthand side of the Web page.)
Performing arts materials can be found in several divisions of the Library, including the Music Division; the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division; the American Folklife Center; the Manuscript Division; the Rare Books and Special Collections Division; and the Prints and Photographs Division.
The PAE contains all of the contents of the former Web site the Library of Congress Presents: Music, Theater, Dance, as well as new material and resources.
This site is the initial version of what will be a continually growing resource. Changes and improvements will be made to the site over the coming months, and we welcome your feedback. Please contact us with your comments using the form available at http://www.loc.gov/rr/askalib/ask-perform.html.
Last Updated: 01/30/2008