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NAEP Analysis and Scaling → Estimation of NAEP Score Scales → NAEP Assessment IRT Parameters → Reading Assessment IRT Parameters → IRT Parameters for the Reading to Gain Information Scale, by Block and Item, Grade 4 Reading National Main Assessment (Accommodations Not Permitted [R2]): 2000
IRT parameters for the reading to gain information scale, by block and item, grade 4 reading national main assessment (accommodations not permitted [R2]): 2000
Block Item NAEP ID aj bj cj dj1 dj2 dj3
R6 1A R017301 0.800 -1.227 0.000
2 R017302 1.302 -0.371 0.243
3A R017303 0.762 -0.060 0.000 0.579 -0.579
4 R017304 1.241 0.093 0.287
5A R017305 1.087 -0.286 0.000
6 R017306 1.143 -0.228 0.265
7A R017307 0.721 0.996 0.000 1.041 -0.158 -0.883
8 R017308 1.171 -0.159 0.251
9A R017309 0.524 0.055 0.000 0.533 -0.533
R7 1 R012701 1.120 -0.133 0.306
2A R012702 0.595 -1.121 0.000
3A R012703 1.051 0.618 0.000
4 R012704 1.176 0.829 0.133
5A R012705 1.435 1.167 0.000
6A R012706 0.595 1.191 0.000
7 R012707 2.206 0.348 0.249
8A R012708 0.613 1.840 0.000 1.487 0.390 -1.877
9 R012709 0.607 -0.110 0.263
10A R012710 0.988 0.950 0.000
R8 1 R015701 0.849 -1.190 0.273
2A R015702 0.605 0.079 0.000 1.394 -1.394
3A R015703 0.673 0.195 0.000 1.449 -1.449
4A R015704 0.575 -0.109 0.000 0.368 -0.368
5A R015705 0.792 0.332 0.000 0.811 -0.811
6 R015706 1.184 1.134 0.199
7A R015707 0.525 0.485 0.000 1.270 -1.270
8 R015708 0.549 -0.330 0.156
9A R015709 0.642 0.295 0.000
R10 1 R012501 0.697 3.217 0.330
2 R012502 0.857 -1.864 0.278
3A R012503 1.038 -0.073 0.000
4A R012504 0.805 -0.270 0.000
5 R012505 1.364 -0.689 0.274
6A R012506 0.807 -0.146 0.000
7 R012507 1.304 -0.550 0.346
8A R012508 0.965 -0.392 0.000
9 R012509 0.563 -0.612 0.289
10 R012510 0.898 -0.587 0.262
11A R012511 0.912 -0.612 0.000
12A R012512 0.418 0.504 0.000 0.866 0.350 -1.216
† Not applicable; the number of item parameters estimated depends upon the IRT model used for scaling.
NOTE: For item j, aj represents the discriminatory power of the item, bj represents a location parameter related to item difficulty, cj represents the guessing parameter, and dji is the category threshold parameter for category i. The c-parameter value is exactly zero for items scaled with the two-parameter logistic model or the generalized partial credit model.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2000 Reading Assessment.
Last updated 14 July 2008 (KL)

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