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USGS Area F , boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St ., displayed by Scientists

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CMG Facilities: Offices   Labs   Research Libraries   Research Platforms   Other  
FACS: Menlo Park-1133     Menlo Park-O'Brien 1050     Santa Cruz     Woods Hole
Multi-channel: Menlo Park-1217     Woods Hole
Sensitive media: Menlo Park-1249     Santa Cruz     Woods Hole
Cores and Samples:
Menlo Park-O'Brien 1030     Menlo Park-O'Brien 1040     St. Petersburg
Cores and Samples:
Menlo Park-M1021A (refer 0)
Microslides: Menlo Park-M3270     Menlo Park-M1205A
Display by: Container #     Activity ID     Team     Accession #    
Legend:  blue = CMG orange = EH tan = ESP gray = MR green = ORG yellow = other purple = PUBS pink = SCI red = VH white = empty
Show areas in USGS CMG Menlo Park 1030 O'Brien
  by Container #'s: A    B    C    D    E    EF    F    G    R1    R2
  by Activity IDs: A    B    C    D    E    EF    F    G    R1    R2
  by Scientists: A    B    C    D    E    EF    F    G    R1    R2
  by Teams: A    B    C    D    E    EF    F    G    R1    R2
  by Accession #'s: A    B    C    D    E    EF    F    G    R1    R2
  by Photos: A    B    C    D    E    EF    F    G    R1    R2

col. 1
col. 2
col. 3
col. 4
col. 5
col. 6
col. 7
col. 8
col. 9
col. 10
col. 11
col. 12
col. 13
col. 14
row 1
Charles Hummel
Jim Moore
Tom Moore
Virgil Frizzell"
"Dave Miller
Bob Miller
Dave Miller
Fred Miller
George Plafker
Dave Howell
Ed Mankinen
Jack Hillhouse
Tom Moore
Howard Oliver
Victoria Todd
Pete Galanis
Rich Koch
Cynthia Dusel Bacon
Helen Foster
Ted Theodore
Jim Rytuba
Russ Evarts
Ken Lajoie
Ken Lajoie
Jim Rytuba
Bob Loney
Jim Calzia
row 1
row 2
Larry Beyer
Robert Fleck
Brett Cox
Dave Ponce
Dennis Sorg
Ralph Haugerud
Ronald Kistler
Ed Mankinen
Jack Hillhouse
Cynthia Dusel Bacon
Wes Hildreth
Paul Stone
Bob McLaughlin
Hugh McLean
Mike Diggles
Robert Fleck
Ronald Kistler
Susan Gunn
John Kennelly
Bill Keith
Dave Ponce
Dave Snyder
Howard Oliver
Rick Blakely
row 2
row 3
Jack Vedder
Arnold Bouma
Monty Hampton
Terry Bruns
Tor Nilsen
Mike Marlow
Dave Scholl
Mike Marlow
Bob Yerkes
Jack Schoellhamer
Jack Vedder
Jack Vedder
Hans Nelson
Ed Clifton
Roberto Anima
Ed Clifton
Gretchen Luepke
Roberto Anima
Hans Nelson
Hans Nelson
Dave Scholl
Alan Cooper
Steve Eittreim
Alan Cooper
George Moore
Monty Hampton
Paula Quinterno
Larry Phillips
Bob Rowland
Hans Nelson
Mike Marlow
Peter Barnes
Sam Clarke
Jim Gardner
Mike Field
Mike Marlow
Paula Quinterno
Kim Klitgord
Jack Vedder
Jim Gardner
row 3
row 4
Sam Clarke
Gary Greene
Arnold Bouma
Bruce Richmond
Monty Hampton
Terry Bruns
Tor Nilsen
Mike Marlow
Dave Scholl
Mike Marlow
Larry Phillips, Art Grantz, Dave Dinter, Paul Carlson, Herman Karl
Jim Gardner
Monty Hampton
Peter Barnes
Tor Nilsen
Tracy Vallier
Mike Marlow, Alan Cooper
Mike Marlow
Dave Scholl
Mike Marlow
Hans Nelson
Ed Clifton
Hans Nelson
Roberto Anima
Ed Clifton
Ed Clifton
Jim Hein
Roberto Anima
Dave Cacchione, Dave Drake
Mike Marlow, Alan Cooper
Paul Carlson
Dave Scholl
Hans Nelson
Jim Gardner
Jim Hein
Mike Marlow
Paula Quinterno
Peter Barnes
Tracy Vallier
Roland Von Huene
Peter Barnes
Art Grantz
Dave Dinter
Peter Barnes
Kim Klitgord
Marv Lanphere
Mike Field
Roberto Anima
Dave McCulloch
Ed Clifton
Gretchen Luepke
Jim Gardner
John Chin
Mike Field
Sam Clarke
row 4
col. 1
col. 2
col. 3
col. 4
col. 5
col. 6
col. 7
col. 8
col. 9
col. 10
col. 11
col. 12
col. 13
col. 14

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