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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 01569

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Location of Container:
Area E , boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St ., column 18, row 03
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Item # Activity ID Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
100233  d181wg  Monty Hampton, Homa Lee  CMG  MARFAC  1569  1343  100233  MONTY HAMPTON / HOMA LEE  Samples from Western Gulf of Alaska, in small plastic bags.   
100325  d181wg  Monty Hampton, Homa Lee  CMG  MARFAC  1569  1343  100325  MONTY HAMPTON / HOMA LEE  Samples from Western Gulf of Alaska, in small plastic bags.   
100331  l480wg  Monty Hampton, Mike Torresan  CMG  MARFAC  1569  1343  100331  MONTY HAMPTON / MIKE TORRESAN  Samples from the Kodiak Shelf and Shelikof Straight in western Gulf of Alaska, in small plastic bags.  Activity ID S879WG has two cruises S8A79WG and S8B79WG. 
100345  __95WA  ______  CMG  MARFAC  1569  1344  100345  Unknown  Volcanic ash samples from Mount St. Helen in small plastic bags (09/08/1995). ICEX (Ed Kempem) sediment samples in small plastic bags (Location unknown).   
106131  ______  ______  CMG  74-02-1124  1569  3147  JOHN DINGLER  Box says Dallas Peck rocks Western Oregon  Western Oregon Dallas Peck rocks 
106132  ______  ______  CMG  74-02-1124  1569  3147  JOHN DINGLER  Box says Oceaneer Washington Coast   
108015  s1179eg  ______  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  26-Jan  PAULA QUINTERNO    CHECK the Acces sheet and the boxes. Impossible to match the box numbers to the Activity Ids in InfoBank. Descriptions in InfoBank don't mentioned the box numbers and, in most cases, the number of boxes in each batch. 
108017  AC0176  ______  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  Jan-76  PAULA QUINTERNO    CHECK the Acces sheet and the boxes. Impossible to match the box numbers to the Activity Ids in InfoBank. Descriptions in InfoBank don't mentioned the box numbers and, in most cases, the number of boxes in each batch. 
108025  c175eg  ______  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  Feb-77  PAULA QUINTERNO    CHECK the Acces sheet and the boxes. Impossible to match the box numbers to the Activity Ids in InfoBank. Descriptions in InfoBank don't mentioned the box numbers and, in most cases, the number of boxes in each batch. 
108069  c175eg  Paula Quinterno, Bob Arnal  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  C-2-2  PAULA QUINTERNO  EGAL-75-KC, Eastern Gulf of Alaska, offshore sediment samples and cores used for microfossil study   
108083  d175eg  Paula Quinterno, Paul Carlson  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  L-75  PAULA QUINTERNO  DC1-75-EG, Discoverer, Eastern Gulf of Alaska, offshore sediment samples and cores used for microfossil study   
112139  s678eg  Paul Carlson, Bruce Molnia  CMG  RESEARCH  1569  3276  31  CARL CARLSON    Box not visible on the pallet. Box says EGAL-75 Cromwell 
115039  d380wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-04-3417  1569  3326  2-Jan  MONTY HAMPTON  Box 1, bulk samples 31, 33, 35.   
115045  l480wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-04-3418  1569  3326  4-Jan  MONTY HAMPTON  Box 1, misc. samples.   
115065  d380wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-04-3417  1569  3326  2-Feb  MONTY HAMPTON  Box 2, bulk samples 34, 36, 37, 38, 39.   
115069  l480wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-04-3418  1569  3326  4-Feb  MONTY HAMPTON  Box 2, trimmings (probably from geothechnical tests).  Says L480EG and D280EG on box 
115083  l480wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-04-3418  1569  3326  4-Mar  MONTY HAMPTON  Boxes 3 & 4, short cores   
115090  l480wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  95-04-3418  1569  3326  4-Apr  MONTY HAMPTON  Boxes 3 & 4, short cores   
115536  d280eg  Homa Lee  CMG  87-04-2412  1569  3334  HOMA LEE  Van Veen cores taken in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska on NOAA ship Discoverer, DC 2 80 EG; Box 2 cores VV 70, 76, 78.   
115538  d280eg  Homa Lee  CMG  87-04-2412  1569  3334  HOMA LEE  Van Veen cores taken in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska on NOAA ship Discoverer, DC 2 80 EG; Box 4 cores VV 90, 91.   
115540  d280eg  Homa Lee  CMG  87-04-2412  1569  3334  HOMA LEE  Van Veen cores taken in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska on NOAA ship Discoverer, DC 2 80 EG; Box 6 cores VV 102, 103.   
115542  d280eg  Homa Lee  CMG  87-04-2412  1569  3334  HOMA LEE  Van Veen cores taken in the Eastern Gulf of Alaska on NOAA ship Discoverer, DC 2 80 EG; Box 8 cores VV 106-108.   
115591  v183cn  Tracy Vallier  CMG  85-11-2243  1569  3334  V21  TRACY VALLIER  Samples collected from the Vancouver Island, Canada in 1983.  Activity ID asigned based on info from the boxes and Accession sheets. 
115592  v183cn  Tracy Vallier  CMG  85-11-2243  1569  3334  V22  TRACY VALLIER  Samples collected from the Vancouver Island, Canada in 1983.  Activity ID asigned based on info from the boxes and Accession sheets. 
129506  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129508  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  10  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129511  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  11  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129521  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  12  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129524  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  13  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129529  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  14  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129553  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  24  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
129561  s777wg  Monty Hampton  CMG  87-04-2413  1569  3632  28  MONTY HAMPTON  30 boxes (28 boxes submitted 04/87)   
192212  S879WG  Monty Hampton, Mike Torresan  CMG  MARFAC  1569  1343  100331  MONTY HAMPTON / MIKE TORRESAN  Samples from the Kodiak Shelf and Shelikof Straight in western Gulf of Alaska, in small plastic bags.  Activity ID S879WG has two cruises S8A79WG and S8B79WG. 
192213  ______  ______  CMG  MARFAC  1569  1344  100345  Unknown  Volcanic ash samples from Mount St. Helen in small plastic bags (09/08/1995). ICEX (Ed Kempem) sediment samples in small plastic bags (Location unknown).   
192214  s978bs  ______  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  26-Jan  PAULA QUINTERNO    CHECK the Acces sheet and the boxes. Impossible to match the box numbers to the Activity Ids in InfoBank. Descriptions in InfoBank don't mentioned the box numbers and, in most cases, the number of boxes in each batch. 
192215  d179eg  ______  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  Jan-76  PAULA QUINTERNO    CHECK the Acces sheet and the boxes. Impossible to match the box numbers to the Activity Ids in InfoBank. Descriptions in InfoBank don't mentioned the box numbers and, in most cases, the number of boxes in each batch. 
192216  s277eg  ______  CMG  92-10-3049  1569  3179  Feb-77  PAULA QUINTERNO    CHECK the Acces sheet and the boxes. Impossible to match the box numbers to the Activity Ids in InfoBank. Descriptions in InfoBank don't mentioned the box numbers and, in most cases, the number of boxes in each batch. 
Item # Activity ID Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments

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