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USGS Activity Physical Data: Container 01559

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Location of Container:
Area E , boxes on wooden pallets, in Warehouse at 1030 O'Brien St ., column 11, row 03
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Item # Activity ID Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments
100232  d185ar  Peter Barnes, Larry Phillips  CMG  MARFAC  1559  1343  100232  PETER BARNES / LARRY PHILLIPS  Beaufort Sea, Chuckchi Sea samples in small plastic bags.   
116499  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  3051  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116510  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  7008  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116511  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  77  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116512  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  79  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116513  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  79A  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116516  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  A8P-2  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116517  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  ABP-1  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116518  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  AR-1  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116519  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  AR-2  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
116672  k181ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  91-02-2644  1559  3350  82-APB-02  PETER BARNES  1 box of bottom sediment samples collected from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1980's  samples possibly from K181AR, K281AR, and K187AR 
116674  g372ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  B-01  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska.   
116723  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-110  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
116724  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-17  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
116725  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-18  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
116726  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-19  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
116727  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-20  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
116728  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-21  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
116729  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3350  V-22  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117305  g372ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska.   
117309  g372ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  17-Oct  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska.   
117310  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  10-Jan  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117311  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  16-Nov  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117321  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  24-48  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117322  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  26-33  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117337  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  58-42  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117341  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  73-81  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117342  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  82-87  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117343  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  88  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117353  g372ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  AER-01  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska.   
117354  g372ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  B-01  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska.   
117356  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  B-14  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117357  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  B-15  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117370  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  BX-2  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117371  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  BX-3  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117373  g171ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  R-40  PETER BARNES  Bottom (mostly grab) samples from Chuckchi and Beaufort seas, Alaska; Glacier (G170CS), Karluk? (K172AR), and Loon (L171AR) cruises, 1970s   
117374  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-1  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117375  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-11  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117377  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-14  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117378  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-16  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117380  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-24  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117382  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-4  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
117385  k176ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  84-02-2006  1559  3360  V-8  PETER BARNES  Vibracore samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska; Karluk cruise, 1976  Only 22 of supposed 40 vibracore boxes. Spread to three pallets (3360, 3350 and 3265). But 3265 also contains 9 more boxes of the same V series but they are part of Access#85-11-2240. 
157363  l880ar  Art Grantz  CMG  1559      Dredge/Core Samples  No. 9A, 10A, 11A-1, 11A-2, 12A-0-6cm, 12A-6-10cm, 13A-0-5cm, 13A-5-6cm, 13B 
192087  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  3051  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192088  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  7008  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192089  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  77  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192090  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  79  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192091  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  79A  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192092  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  A8P-2  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192093  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  ABP-1  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192094  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  AR-1  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
192095  k275ar  Peter Barnes  CMG  86-04-2295  1559  3347  AR-2  PETER BARNES  10 boxes of sediment samples from the Beaufort Sea, Alaska, Karluk cruises, 1976  CHECK whick boxes belong to which Activity id. Also, one box less than (9 vs 10) what is mentioned in InfoBank 
Item # Activity ID Contact Team Accession Number NewContainer !Old Container Number Box ID Accession Submitter Contents Suley Comments

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