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Eagle relief, Federal Office Building, New York, 1935
Eagle relief, Federal Office Building, New York, 1935. Photo from C. Paul Jennewein: Sculptor  by Shirley Reiff Howarth, published by the Tampa Museum

C. Paul Jennewein: Sculptor

Noted classical and art deco sculptor C. Paul Jennewein lived in Larchmont, New York, from 1924 until his death in 1978, at age 88. Among his best known works are: the main entrance of the British Empire Building at Rockefeller Center; four stone pylons for the 1939 World's Fair representing the Four Elements; two pylons, painted in the Egyptian style that flank the entrance to the Brooklyn Public Library; allegorical relief panels in the White House Executive Mansion; marble sculptures at the entrance to the Rayburn House of Representatives Office Building; the sculptural decoration, including statues, pediments, and reliefs, for the U.S. Department of Justice Building; and thirteen sculptures of Greek deity in the central pediment of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. His work for the Philadelphia Museum of Art was awarded the Medal of Honor of the Architectural League.

In the Larchmont area, Jennewein designed the Neptune silhouettes that have marked the Larchmont Village limits for decades, and the bronze statue incorporated into the War Memorial in front of Mamaroneck Village Hall.

Jennewein was born in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1890. Apprenticed to artisans at the Stuttgart art museum at age 13, he learned techniques of casting, modeling, and painting. When he was 16, Jennewein saw illustrations of work by the noted American architectural firm, McKim, Mead & White. After moving to the United States-he became a U.S. citizen in 1915-Jennewein worked for the firm of architectural sculptors and commercial modelers, Buhler and Lauter, which was often used by McKim, Mead & White.

By 1911, the ambitious Jennewein struck out on his own, receiving commissions for churches and academic institutions. He won the prestigious Prix de Rome award for sculpture at the American Academy in 1916, which included a three-year fellowship in Italy to study classical art. Many of his finest sculptors were created during this fertile period.

When Jennewein returned to New York, he received several commissions, which included the Caruso Panel for the Metropolitan Opera House. His work was also purchased by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In 1933, Jennewein was elected to membership in the prestigious National Academy of Design and also the influential Century Club Other memberships include the National Institute of Arts and Sciences. Later in his career, Jennewein designed numerous commemorative medals, for which he won many design awards.

Project documentation consists of a catalog, which provides a comprehensive survey of Jennewein's work, prepared for The Tampa Museum, Florida, which was bequeathed Jennewein's collection, comprising 2,000 scultpures, models, drawings, and medals from the artist's estate in 1978, one photo, and promotional material for lectures and artwork.

Originally submitted by: Nita M. Lowey,Representative (18th District).

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The Local Legacies project provides a "snapshot" of American Culture as it was expressed in spring of 2000. Consequently, it is not being updated with new or revised information with the exception of "Related Website" links.

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