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Community Roots: Selections from the Local Legacies Project
Collage of Local Legacies
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 Live bird program educates visitors at the 1999 Festival
Lake Ontario Bird Festival, 1999. Photo courtesy Oswego County Department of Promotion and Tourism

Lake Ontario Bird Festival

This annual festival began in 1997, following a 1996 study by The Nature Conservancy that documented the importance of Lake Ontario's eastern shoreline to migratory songbirds and hawks that traditionally frequent the area. The festival, sponsored by the National Audubon Society of New York, attracts people from outside New York from New England, the Mid-Atlantic states, and Florida.

Among the festival's most popular events are its live bird programs, which educate visitors about bald eagles and several species of hawks and owls. The 2000 festival featured Dr. Steve Kress, who initiated restoration of puffins on the coast of Maine. He spoke about landscaping to attract birds. Information displays educate visitors on bluebirds, birding at New York State's Tug Hill, the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, wildlife rehabilitation, and bird song identification.

Documentation includes one photo and a flyer.

Originally submitted by: Charles E. Schumer, Senator.

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The Local Legacies project provides a "snapshot" of American Culture as it was expressed in spring of 2000. Consequently, it is not being updated with new or revised information with the exception of "Related Website" links.

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