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Community Roots: Selections from the Local Legacies Project
Collage of Local Legacies
Visitor admires crafts at 1999 Festival
Visitor admires some of the crafts available at the 1999 Reelfoot Lake Arts and Crafts Festival Photo: Diter C. Ullrich

Reelfoot Lake Arts and Crafts Festival

The Reelfoot Lake Arts and Crafts Festival has grown from a few tents in 1971 to more than 400 exhibitors from fifteen states, that line up three deep, to display and sell their work along a one-mile midway. The festival is held on the first weekend with an October date. Items range from wooden paper dolls to furniture, hand-framed prints, oil paintings, hand-designed jewelry, children's clothes, potpourri, candles, embroidery and hand-sewn items, wreaths and ornaments, ironwork products, hand-stitched quilts, bird houses, ceramics, and leather items.

More than 40,000 people from twelve states come to the free festival at Reelfoot Lake State Park. Musical entertainment from the mid-south is perform near the midway's center, and vendors provide food, such as corn-on-the-cob, kettle corn, fish & chips, roasted almonds, and homemade hot tamales. Documentation includes photographs.

Documentation includes photographs, a brochure and newspaper article from the 1999 event.

Originally submitted by: John S. Tanner, Representative (8th District).

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The Local Legacies project provides a "snapshot" of American Culture as it was expressed in spring of 2000. Consequently, it is not being updated with new or revised information with the exception of "Related Website" links.

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