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Community Roots: Selections from the Local Legacies Project
Collage of Local Legacies
Cover of the video entitled Pike Peak's Shadow
Cover of the video Pike Peak's Shadow: Teller County Centennial

Pikes Peak's Shadow

Teller County's centennial celebration in 1999 was the impetus for making the video, Pike Peak's Shadow, to explore the area's history from its early ranching and lumbering days through the discovery of gold in Cripple Creek and the railroad era. The Ute Pass Historical Society spearheaded the video project, made by three volunteer society members, history teachers Barbara and Jerry Black, and Claude Wiatrowski, a commercial video producer.

Because much of Teller's county heritage was being lost to development and mining, a documentary recording significant events, places, and personalities would be important for future generations. The "Bowl of Gold," which comprises Cripple Creek and Victor, resulted 40 million years ago when a volcanic eruption forced minerals and gold upwards. The Cripple Creek District became famous in 1891 when gold was discovered. The highest and greatest producing mines existed in Victor, with the Portland on Battle Mountain one of the great producers of gold. By 1899, Cripple Creek produced two-thirds of gold mined in Colorado, which was one fourth of full production in the United States.

Over the years, many of the county's small towns and settlements have disappeared as open pit mining operations expand. In southern Teller County, mining expansion also eliminated Altman, once the highest town in elevation in the United States. Limited evidence remains of the recreation area, Pinnacle Park.

Documentation comprises a text report and the video.

Originally submitted by: Joel Hefley, Representative (5th District).

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The Local Legacies project provides a "snapshot" of American Culture as it was expressed in spring of 2000. Consequently, it is not being updated with new or revised information with the exception of "Related Website" links.

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