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2005 NAEP Science Committee

Audrey Champagne
University at Albany, NY

Russ Conner
Cranbrook Kingswood School, MI

Susan Craft
Jasper County High School, SC

Patricia Dung
LA Educational Partnership, CA

William Heiting
Iowa Dept. of Education, IA

Gregory Kirchhofer
Mill Creek Elementary School, MO

Brett Moulding
Utah State Office of Education, UT

Amy J. Pearlmutter
Littlebrook School, NJ 

J. Petrina McCarty Puhl
Robert McQueen High School, NV

Realista Rodriguez
South Lakes High School, VA

Elise Russo
Lakeland Central School District, NY

Jose Vazquez
New York University, NY

Gerald Wheeler
National Science Teachers Assn., VA

Last updated 09 May 2006 (HM)
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