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USGS CMG InfoBank Geology School: surface water

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Title Comment Keywords
Groundwater 30 minutes / n.a. groundwater, pollution, well, river, aquifer, "fresh water", "surface water", "saturated zone"
Uses of Groundwater 01:39 - 02:47 (01:08) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", groundwater, water, irrigation, agriculture, industry, lake, river, "Earth's surface", pollution, geologist, soil, "surface water", replenishment, infiltration
Water Table 07:36 - 08:30 (00:54) / 1.6 MB geologist, "Earth's surface", groundwater, "saturated zone", "unsaturated zone", well, "water table", topography, "surface water"
Aquifers 11:46 - 13:11 (01:25) / 2.9 MB "Jim Goodrich", aquifer, "United States", "Los Angeles", "Orange County", "fresh water", California, rainfall, desert, "coastal plain", groundwater, "perennial stream", snow, mountain, river, "surface water"
Monitoring Groundwater 22:30 - 23:54 (01:24) / 2.2 MB "Jim Goodrich", groundwater, "surface water", well, basin, aquifer, pollution, "Orange County", sampling, drilling, mitigation
Water Supply 24:49 - 25:54 (01:05) / 1.7 MB "James Sadd", life, groundwater, resource, "recharge area", infiltration, rainfall, snow, "surface water", fracture, "pore space", permeability, aquifer, subsidence, pollution, well
Geology School Keywords

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