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InfoBank Terms: Activity ID   activity overview   crew   formal metadata   lines   metadata   NGDC   port stops   project/theme   region   ship   stations   time   virtual globe   year  
Data Types: bathymetry   geodetic positioning   gravity   ground penetrating radar   imagery   LIDAR   magnetics   metering equipment   navigation   samples   seismic   definitions disclaimer  
Data Formats: ARC coverage   E00   FGDC metadata   gridded/image   imaging   material   scattered/swath   Shapefile   vector/polygon  
Intended Audience

"We are getting into semantics again. If we use words, there is a very grave danger they will be misinterpreted." -- H. R. Haldeman

.activitytype Type of Activity
.akas Alternate IDs
.analog Analog Items metadata [combined .item files]
.atlas Atlas Areas
.atlasarea Atlas Area limits metadata [a single line]
.best_bath_file Best Bathymetry file name[s]
.best_grav_file Best Gravity file name[s]
.best_mag_file Best Magnetics file name[s]
.best_nav_file Best Navigation file name[s]
.best_seis_file Best Seismic file name[s]
.chief Chief Scientist
.conditions Surveying Conditions
.contract Contract
.crew Crew metadata
.crew_log Crew Log
.data_files Geodetic Data
.dates Dates metadata [a single line]
.daysatsea DaysAtSea
.derivatives Derived Information
.divecount DiveCount
.ed Geodetic Data Points
.equipment_log Equipment Log
.equipmentused Equipment Used
.fmeta Formal Metadata
.funding Funding
GAZETTE.gif Gazette Image Image Map
.geo_equipment Surveying Equipment
.grids 1 degree grid cells
.header Header Information
.html HTML
.ids IDs
.image_files Images Taken
.infospecialist Information Specialist
.landtie Gravity Land Tie
.lines Lines
.location Total Station Location
.misc-notes Miscellaneous Notes
.MULTI_TYPE.path Multi-Equipment Path
.navarea Area limits metadata [a single line]
.navigation Navigation from FACS Navigation Log
.navigation_log Navigation Log
.navkm NavKm
.ngdc_overview NGDC Overview
.notes Notes
.NUM_degree Degree Cell
.NUM_gaz Gazette
.NUM_gazette GMT Gazette
NUM.item Box/shelf metadata
.NUM_NUM Merged data files
.observations Field Observations
.onoff.BATH_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Bathymetry Equipment
.onoff.CAM_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Camera Equipment
.onoff.GEO_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Geodetic Equipment
.onoff.GPR_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Ground Penetrating Radar Equipment
.onoff.GRAV_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Gravity Equipment
.onoff.IMAG_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Imaging Equipment
.onoff.MAG_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Magnetics Equipment
.onoff.METER_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Metering Equipment
.onoff.MULTIPLE_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Multiple Equipment
.onoff.NAV_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Navigation Equipment
.onoff.SAMP_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Sampling Equipment
.onoff.SEIS_EQUIPMENT_TYPE Seismic Equipment
.operation Operation
.operation_log Operation Log
.operationarea Area of Operation
.organization Organization
.overview_log Overview Log
.owner Owner
.pf Relative Reference Frame
.place_keywords Place Keywords
.platform Platform Name
.ports Ports metadata
.post-processing Post-processing
.precision Precision and Accuracy of Acquired Data
.procedure Field Procedure
.project Project
.projectnumber ProjectNumber
.pts Geodetic Points
.publications Related Publications
.purpose Purpose
.regionarea Region Area limits metadata [a single line]
.seismicdescription SeismicDescription
.stationcount StationCount
.stationdescription StationDescription
.submersible Submersible
.summary Summary
.synopsis Synopsis
.tabulatedinfo TabulatedInfo
.theme_bath_keywords Bathymetry Keywords
.theme_cam_keywords Camera Keywords
.theme_geo_keywords Geodetic Keywords
.theme_grav_keywords Gravity Keywords
.theme_keywords Theme Keywords
.theme_mag_keywords Magnetics Keywords
.theme_meters_keywords Meter Keywords
.theme_nav_keywords Navigation Keywords
.theme_samp_keywords Sample Keywords
.theme_seis_keywords Seismic Keywords
.trackplot TrackPlot
.TYPE_checkeot CHECKEOT results
.TYPE_eotcssp EOTCSSP results
.TYPE_events Events
.TYPE_events_timegap Events Timegap
.TYPE.html Activity-specific HTML
TYPE.keep Keep File
.TYPE.keep Activity-specific Keep File
.TYPE_tmechk TMECHK results
TYPE.txt HTML Text Control File
.utm UTMs of Stations
.xls Excel Spreadsheet

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