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The NAEP Background Questionnaires

In addition to testing cognitive abilities, NAEP collects information that helps to put student achievement in context. Four kinds of questionnaires provide context for NAEP assessment results:

  • student questionnaires, which examine background characteristics, subject-area experience, and motivation on the assessment;
  • teacher questionnaires, which gather data on background and training of teachers and classroom-by-classroom information;
  • school questionnaires, which gather information about school policies, school size, and other characteristics; and
  • SD/LEP questionnaires (students with disabilities or limited English proficiency), which ask the person most familiar with the student about accommodations normally permitted.

These questionnaires are developed using a framework and process similar to that used for developing the cognitive questions. This process includes reviews by external advisory groups and field testing. When developing the questionnaires, NAEP ensures that the questions do not infringe on respondents' privacy, that they are grounded in educational research, and that the answers can provide information relevant to the subject being assessed.

Students complete the background questionnaires voluntarily, and their responses are kept confidential. Student names are never associated with their responses or the other information collected by NAEP. After students complete the assessment, their names are physically removed from their test booklets.

Student questionnaires appear in separately timed blocks of questions in the assessment booklets. Teacher, school, and SD/LEP questionnaires are printed separately.

View the mathematics background questionnaires.

Last updated 16 November 2006 (JM)
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