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USGS CMG InfoBank: When Mountain Building Ends

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Comment: 18:25 - 19:36 (01:11)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 7. Mountain Building

Keywords: mountain, orogeny, "convergent plate margin", subduction, craton, fault, volcanism, erosion, uplift, "Gary Ernst"

Our transcription: Regardless of how they formed, mountain belts along convergent boundaries stop growing when subduction ends.

They gradually deteriorate to become part of the low-lying craton itself.

Ultimately, of course, mountain building ends, and that signals the end of convergent plate motion, a settling back or perhaps low angle distributive faulting occurs, which extend the mountain belt rather than compress it, and the forces of erosion once this constructional stage is over take over.

Gone, too, also is the volcanism that characterizes early and middle stages of many mountain belts, but the actual geologic mountains are then terminated by erosive processes.

There may be later uplift, which provide strong relief and gives you topographic mountains, but this later process is not strictly speaking a mountain-building process; it is simply an uplift and erosional process

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