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Background Questionnaires

In addition to assessing subject-area achievement, NAEP collects background information that serves to fulfill reporting requirements of federal legislation and to provide a context for reporting student performance. The legislation requires that, whenever feasible, NAEP include information on special groups (e.g., information reported by race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, disability, and limited English proficiency).

As part of most NAEP assessments, four types of questionnaires are used to collect background information:

  • student questionnaires collect information on students' demographic characteristics, classroom experiences, and educational support (completed by students);
  • teacher questionnaires gather data on teacher background, training, and instructional practices (completed by teachers at grades 4 and 8. NAEP typically does not collect teacher information for grade 12);
  • school questionnaires gather information on school policies and characteristics (completed by the principal or assistant principal); and
  • SD/ELL (students with disabilities or English language learners) questionnaires collect information about students selected in the sample who have disabilities or limited English proficiency (completed by special education teacher, bilingual education/ESL teacher, or staff member who is most familiar with the student).

The Background Information Framework, developed by the National Assessment Governing Board in 2003, now guides the collection and reporting of non-cognitive assessment information. In addition, subject-area frameworks provide guidance on subject-specific non-cognitive assessment questions to be included in the questionnaires. Questions being considered for inclusion in the background questionnaire are reviewed by experts and are tested with students, teachers, and schools before the actual administration. When developing the questionnaires, NAEP ensures that the questions do not infringe on respondents' privacy, that they are grounded in educational research, and that the answers can provide information relevant to the subject being assessed.

Students complete the background questionnaires voluntarily, and their responses are kept confidential. Student names are never reported with their responses or with the other information collected by NAEP.

Students are given ten minutes to complete the background questions, typically located at the end of their student assessment booklets. The two sections of student background questions each take about five minutes to complete. The teacher, school, and SD/ELL questionnaires are printed in separate booklets. With increasing frequency, teacher and school questionnaires are completed electronically via the MySchool website.

In the web-based NAEP Data Explorer, the results of the background questionnaires are sorted into eight broad categories: Major Reporting Groups, Student Factors, Factors Beyond School, Instructional Content and Practice, Teacher Factors, School Factors, Community Factors, and Government Factors.

The following questionnaires are available in PDF format.

Student Questionnaires (Completed by students.)
  Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 12
Mathematics (2009) 88K 111K 127K
Reading (2009) 89K 99K 102K
Science (2009) 96K 100K 118K
Arts (2008)   509K  
Music (2008)   505K  
Mathematics (2007) 156K 106K  
Reading (2007) 171K 118K  
Writing (2007)   116K 126K
Civics (2006) 97K 112K 117K
Economics (2006)     144K
U.S. History (2006) 91K 116K 120K
Mathematics (2005) 69K 99K 108K
Reading (2005) 92K 98K 104K
Science (2005) 73K 83K 92K

School Questionnaires (Completed by the principal or assistant principal..)
  Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 12

Mathematics, Reading, Science (2009)

224K 230K 246K
Arts (2008)   553K  
Mathematics, Reading, Writing (2007) 183K 187K 121K
Civics, Economics, U.S. History, Mathematics, Reading, Writing (2006) 211K 210K 194K
Math/Reading/Science (2005) 109K 116K 171K

Students with Disabilities/English Language Learners (SD/ELL) (Completed by Principal/Assistant Principal, Special Education Teacher, Bilingual Education/ESL Teacher, Classroom Teacher.)

SD all subjects (2009)


ELL all subjects (2009)


SD Arts (2008)

SD Long-Term Trend (2008) 659K
ELL Arts (2008) 929K
ELL Long-Term Trend (2008) 688K
SD all subjects (2007) 709K
SD all subjects (2006) 68K
ELL all subjects (2007) 672K
ELL all subjects (2006) 69K
SD all subjects (2005) 76K
LEP all subjects (2005) 72K

Teacher Questionnaires (Completed by teachers at grades 4 and 8. NAEP does not typically collect teacher information for grade 12.)
  Grade 4 Grade 8 Grade 12

Mathematics/Reading/Science (2009)


Mathematics (2009)


Reading (2009)


Science (2009)

Language Arts/Mathematics (2007) 384K    
Mathematics (2007)   320K  
Language Arts (2007)   121K  
Civics, U.S. History (2006) 200K 129K  
Economics (2006)     116K
Economics Department Head (2006)     61K
Mathematics (included with U.S. History/Civics at grade 4) (2006) 200K 135K  
Mathematics (2005) 243K 207K  
Reading (2005) 243K 187K  
Science (2005) 243K 172K  

Long-Term Trend
  Age 9 Age 13 Age 17
Mathematics (2008) 790K 830K 872K
Reading (2008) 815K 836K 853K

Mathematics/Reading (2004) 


You may also download questionnaires from 2003. To obtain earlier questionnaires, please contact Sherran Osborne in the NCES Assessment Division at 202-502-7420 or 202-502-7400, or specify the questionnaires you need by writing to Contact Us.

Background questionnaires are also available in the Sample Questions booklets, which contain other assessment information and are distributed to schools before each assessment.

Last updated 22 December 2008 (RF)
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