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Title Comment Keywords
Geologic Glossary n.a. / n.a. geologic term, glossary, ablation, absolute age, alluvial fan, amphibole, annual snowline, Archaean Eon, ash, asthenosphere, basalt, Basin and Range province, boulder, breccia, calcite, cave, cave system, Cenozoic Era, chemical weathering, cinder, cinder cone, clast, clay, cobble, conglomerate, continental collision, continental drift, convergent plate boundary, core, craton, crust, daughter product, desert pavement, dike, divergent plate boundary, dune, earthquake, Minerals: The Materials of Earth 30 minutes / n.a. mineral, rock, "physical property", "mineral identification", quartz, precipitation, element, "crystal structure", crystal, atom, "metallic mineral", "laboratory analysis", crust, color, "chemical composition"
Minerals Are An Important Raw Material 01:43 - 02:41 (00:58) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", mineral, rock, crust, "open-pit mine", steel, "iron ore", "sand dune", quartz, glass
Rocks Are Aggregates of Minerals 02:41 - 03:23 (00:42) / 0.8 MB rock, mineral, "granitic rock", orthoclase, quartz, plagioclase, basalt, pyroxene, olivine
Common Minerals 05:04 - 06:08 (01:04) / 1.3 MB mineral, quartz, orthoclase, olivine, plagioclase, "rock forming mineral", rock, geology
Quartz 08:34 - 09:20 (00:46) / 0.7 MB "Richard Hazlett", mineral, quartz, silicon, oxygen, solid, gas, hardness, "three-dimensional bonding", ion, transparent, crystal, element
Mineral Hardness 10:57 - 11:29 (00:32) / 0.6 MB "James Sadd", quartz, calcite, "crystal structure", "physical property", "mineral identification", mineral, hardness
Chemical Reaction 11:29 - 11:54 (00:25) / 0.4 MB "James Sadd", calcite, quartz, "chemical reaction", "hydrochloric acid", "carbonate", silicate, "carbon dioxide", carbon, "physical property", "mineral identification", mineral
Hydrothermal Ore Deposits 21:48 - 22:58 (01:10) / 1.1 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", magma, "igneous intrusion", "metallic mineral", "ore deposit", "hydrothermal ore deposit", metal, element, mineral, quartz, feldspar, mica, "lava flow", crystal, water, boiling, fracture, "magma chamber", precipitation
Minerals Crystalize 07:53 - 08:44 (00:51) / 0.9 MB crystal, "J. Lawford Anderson", "igneous rock", mineral, magma, plagioclase, olivine, potassium, feldspar, quartz
Crystallized Minerals 09:24 - 10:44 (01:20) / 1.2 MB crystal, "David Sigurdson", "Norman Bowen", "calcic plagioclase", mineral, olivine, pyroxene, hornblende, biotite, temperature, plagioclase, potassium, feldspar, biotite, muscovite, quartz, "reaction series"
Chemical Weathering 05:41 - 06:42 (01:01) / 2.2 MB "mechanical weathering", weathering, "chemical weathering", disintegration, "ice wedging", "Earth's surface", "tectonic activity", "rock composition", crystal, quartz, feldspar, "ferromagnesium mineral"
Stable and Unstable Minerals 09:07 - 09:40 (00:33) / 0.8 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", mineral, "Earth's surface", quartz, hematite, "iron oxide", rust, temperature, pressure, weathering
Minerals and Weathering 09:40 - 10:44 (01:04) / 1.2 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", granite, weathering, mineral, temperature, quartz, feldspar, "chemical weathering", plagioclase, clay, orthoclase, sediment, rock, "sedimentary rock"
Parent Rock 16:19 - 17:04 (00:45) / 1.2 MB weathering, soil, "parent rock", granite, "sandy soil", quartz, clay, feldspar, basalt, iron, permeability, "fertile soil", vegetation
Principle of Uniformity 10:14 - 11:49 (01:35) / 2.3 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", geologist, "Principle of Uniformity", "geologic time", weathering, water, wind, tide, "sea level change", lithification, deposition, "Earth's surface", limestone, "calcium carbonate", mud, quartz, sand, fossil, "tropical sea", Bahamas, "Florida Keys"
Geology School Keywords

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