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Title Comment Keywords
Coasts n.a. / n.a. coast, coastline, water, wind, wave, beach, estuary, longshore drift, coral reef
Volcano and Hydrologic Hazards, Features, and Terminology n.a. / n.a. glossary, volcano, water, hazard, feature
Natural Resources 14:02 - 14:17 (00:15) / 0.6 MB "natural resource", soil, mineral, oil, gas, water
Just the Right Distance 17:48 - 18:13 (00:25) / 0.3 MB water, ocean
Algae Add Oxygen to the Atmosphere 18:44 - 19:17 (00:33) / 0.6 MB "James Sadd", atmosphere, life, oxygen, water, algae
Earth is Alive 20:24 - 20:47 (00:23) / 0.7 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", "radioactive decay", earthquake, volcano, life, ocean, atmosphere, water
Early Crust 03:48 - 05:05 (01:17) / 1.1 MB water, atmosphere, "oceanic crust", "convergent plate", "island arc", "sea floor spreading", "convective cell", "continental crust", supercontinent, accretion, plate, "upper mantle", "Gary Ernst"
Causes of Earthquakes 02:10 - 03:26 (01:16) / 1.7 MB "radioactive decay", heat, energy, plate, friction, lithosphere, earthquake, mountain, orogeny, uplift, erosion, river, water, flora, fauna
A Calendar Year 02:51 - 03:54 (01:03) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", "geologic time", "geologic age", planet, water, life, oxygen, gas, atmosphere, "multi-cellular organism", plant, animal, dinosaur, extinction, humans, "Industrial Revolution"
Force Building Land 05:12 - 06:06 (00:54) / 1.2 MB "James Hutton", land, erosion, life, stream, sand, gravel, sediment, "sedimentary rock", uplift, water
Carbon-14 19:37 - 20:27 (00:50) / 1.8 MB "radiocarbon dating", carbon-14, radioactivity, carbon, atmosphere, water, plant, animal, isotope, "absolute age dating"
Hydrothermal Ore Deposits 21:48 - 22:58 (01:10) / 1.1 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", magma, "igneous intrusion", "metallic mineral", "ore deposit", "hydrothermal ore deposit", metal, element, mineral, quartz, feldspar, mica, "lava flow", crystal, water, boiling, fracture, "magma chamber", precipitation
Crystallization In Water 22:58 - 23:43 (00:45) / 1.2 MB crystallization, precipitation, water, "chemical reaction", mineral, element, hematite, iron, oxygen, sand, sandstone
Volcanism in the Solar System 01:22 - 02:19 (00:57) / 1.3 MB volcano, "Voyager Space Probe", Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, "Olympus Mons", Io, "Mount Everest", "volcanic gas", atmosphere, water, ocean, stream
Volcanic Gas 07:19 - 08:18 (00:59) / 2.0 MB "James Sadd", volcano, eruption, "volcanic gas", atmosphere, water, "carbon dioxide", sulfur, nitrogen, ocean, "lava flow", basalt, "shield volcano", pressure
Geophysical Techniques 21:05 - 21:48 (00:43) / 1.8 MB geophysicist, resistivity, conductivity, water, temperature
Conclusion 26:30 - 26:59 (00:29) / 0.7 MB "James Sadd", volcano, agriculture, "ocean basin", water, ocean, atmosphere, geologist
Crystals 10:44 - 11:21 (00:37) / 0.6 MB crystal, "Norman Bowen", magma, water
Lab Limitations 12:38 - 13:04 (00:26) / 0.7 MB plutonic, "James Sadd", cooling, water, magma, intrusion, "igneous rock", tectonic
Weathering and Soils 30 minutes / n.a. weathering, soil, "chemical weathering", water, rock, plant, erosion, "mechanical weathering", granite, agriculture, climate, "acid rain"
Ice Wedging 04:38 - 05:41 (01:03) / 1.3 MB "ice wedging", weathering, "mechanical weathering", water, volume, pressure, granite
Water and Moisture 06:42 - 08:06 (01:24) / 2.2 MB "chemical weathering", weathering, water, moisture, "chemical decomposition", mineral, rainfall, "carbon dioxide", atmosphere, "carbonic acid", vegetation, soil, limestone, "rock composition", iron, oxygen, "iron oxide", limonite, geothite, hematite, rust
Rates of Weathering 08:06 - 09:07 (01:01) / 1.9 MB "Thomas Hartnett", water, "chemical weathering", weathering, "weathering rate", climate, "mechanical weathering", soil, temperature, "chemical reaction", desert, mineral, "Earth's surface"
Soil 13:12 - 13:48 (00:36) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", weathering, "chemical weathering", soil, life, humans, habitat, plant, water, "trace element", bacteria, nutrient, "terrestrial food chain"
Soil Horizons 15:35 - 16:19 (00:44) / 1.0 MB weathering, soil, rock, horizon, "loamy topsoil", "A horizon", "B horizon", "C horizon", humus, plant, rainfall, water, leaching
Soil Management and Conservation 21:21 - 22:50 (01:29) / 2.7 MB "Wayne Soppeland", "Rick Aguayo", "Mojave Desert", soil, weathering, crop, erosion, water, "soil management", agriculture, "U.S. Soil Conservation Service", irrigation, "soil survey", farming
Conservation Tillage 24:00 - 24:59 (00:59) / 1.9 MB "Wayne Soppeland", weathering, soil, wind, windbreak, erosion, "conservation tillage", tilling, percolation, water, crop, irrigation
Irrigation Management 24:59 - 26:24 (01:25) / 2.4 MB "Wayne Soppeland", "Rick Aguayo", weathering, soil, irrigation, water, farming, crop, "saline residue", erosion, tilling, "crop rotation", windbreak
Mass Wasting 30 minutes / n.a. "mass wasting", "geologic hazard", landslide, construction, slope, slump, creep, movement, mitigation, mudflow, mountain, water, soil
Introduction to Mass Wasting 00:40 - 02:02 (01:22) / 2.1 MB introduction, "Nevado Del Ruiz Volcano", Colombia, "South America", eruption, heat, melting, glacier, volcano, water, flood, mountain, soil, tree, boulder, Armero, mud, "geologic hazard"
Causes of Mass Wasting 04:13 - 05:01 (00:48) / 0.9 MB construction, road, building, slope, water, soil, rock, pore space, "surface tension", "mass wasting", stability, over-steepening
Creep 05:33 - 06:57 (01:24) / 1.2 MB "mass wasting", creep, slope, soil, bedrock, gravity, water, season, Alaska, freeze, thaw, "geologic hazard"
Mudflows and Debris Flows 15:50 - 16:48 (00:58) / 2.5 MB "mass wasting", "mudflow", "debris flow", creep, slump, landslide, water, movement, viscosity, density, sand, silt, boulder, rainfall, snow, gravity, "geologic hazard"
Conclusion 26:22 - 26:59 (00:37) / 1.4 MB "James Sadd", "mass wasting", "geologic hazard", landscape, evolution, humans, slope, stability, water
Sedimentary Rocks: The Key to Past Environments 30 minutes / n.a. "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", sand, water, deposition, erosion, "depositional environment", time, river, lake
Sediment 02:31 - 03:22 (00:51) / 1.0 MB sediment, "mechanical weathering", "chemical weathering", erosion, wind, water, ice, "biological activity", sand, dune, beach, pebble, stream, shell, "sea floor", compaction, cementation, "sedimentary rock"
Transported Sediment 04:39 - 05:15 (00:36) / 0.8 MB "sedimentary rock", sediment, transportation, wind, water, stream, sorting
Sorting of Sediments 05:15 - 06:03 (00:48) / 1.3 MB "Dee Trent", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", deposition, water, river, mountain, canyon, valley, "coarse grained sediment", "fine grained sediment", sandstone, siltstone, ocean, sand, shoreline, mud, clay
Chemical Precipitation 07:05 - 07:42 (00:37) / 1.0 MB "sedimentary rock", "chemical sedimentation", lithification, "chemical precipitation", water, desert, lake, lagoon, evaporation, calcite, gypsum, salt, evaporite
Coal 08:56 - 09:44 (00:48) / 1.3 MB "Dee Trent", "sedimentary rock", "swampy bayou", delta, moss, weed, root, tree, compaction, coal, swamp, water, "Okeefanokee Swamp", "Southeast Asia", vegetation, preservation, pressure, "geologic time", peat
Environments of Deposition 09:44 - 10:14 (00:30) / 0.5 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "glacial valley", lake, beach, "river delta", "sea floor", deposition, water, land
Principle of Uniformity 10:14 - 11:49 (01:35) / 2.3 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", geologist, "Principle of Uniformity", "geologic time", weathering, water, wind, tide, "sea level change", lithification, deposition, "Earth's surface", limestone, "calcium carbonate", mud, quartz, sand, fossil, "tropical sea", Bahamas, "Florida Keys"
Cross-Bedding 13:28 - 14:47 (01:19) / 1.4 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "Principle of Original Horizontality", "sedimentary structure", bedding, cross-bedding, lakebed, "sea floor", wind, sand, dune, "mineral color", "mineral composition", "sand bar", "stream delta", geologist, stream, deposition, erosion, velocity, water
Ridge Basin 18:37 - 20:06 (01:29) / 2.1 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", sedimentologist, lake, "fine grained sediment", "thin bed", water, "depositional environment", "river channel", continuity, limestone, microfossil, "fresh water", "mud crack", "ripple mark"
Composition 11:12 - 12:11 (00:59) / 2.0 MB "John Rosenfeld", "metamorphic rock", geologist, composition, metamorphism, water, temperature, "carbon dioxide"
Changing Rocks 12:46 - 13:09 (00:23) / 0.7 MB "James Sadd", heat, pressure, metamorphism, texture, mineral, composition, protolith, "geologic time", water
Introduction to Running Water 00:40 - 02:05 (01:25) / 2.0 MB introduction, "James Sadd", "Herodotus", "Pierre Perrault", river, water, Nile, rainfall, discharge, "River Seine", France, "drainage basin", civilization
Rainfall 02:05 - 02:43 (00:38) / 0.9 MB "James Sadd", river, rainfall, water, precipitation, groundwater, "glacial ice", "soil moisture", atmosphere, evaporation, plant, landform
Flooding Hazards 24:59 - 26:12 (01:13) / 2.5 MB "James Sadd", "Mississippi River", river, flood, landscape, discharge, water, humans, civilization, "geologic hazard", "United States"
Conclusion 25:54 - 26:57 (01:03) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", landscape, humans, landform, desert, rainstorm, flood, wind, slope, "tectonic activity", "Grand Canyon", "Colorado River", stream, water, "Earth's surface"
Introduction to Groundwater 00:40 - 01:39 (00:59) / 2.1 MB introduction, "James Sadd", water, groundwater, civilization, "fresh water", river, lake, "Earth's surface", dowser
Uses of Groundwater 01:39 - 02:47 (01:08) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", groundwater, water, irrigation, agriculture, industry, lake, river, "Earth's surface", pollution, geologist, soil, "surface water", replenishment, infiltration
Origin of Groundwater 02:47 - 04:14 (01:27) / 2.7 MB groundwater, water, "fresh water", humans, "Earth's surface", lake, river, rainfall, bedrock, stream, fissure, basalt, granite
Permeability 04:14 - 05:19 (01:05) / 2.5 MB "Earth's surface", sandstone, sediment, soil, water, groundwater, "pore space", porosity, aquifer
Deserts 01:54 - 03:06 (01:12) / 1.4 MB "Art Montana", "Tropic of Cancer", "Tropic of Capricorn", desert, "Earth's surface", vegetation, Antarctica, precipitation, polar, "South Pole", "Point Barrow", Alaska, rainfall, soil, water, pond, lake, "Mojave Desert", California, "giant yucca", "Joshua tree"
Land Locked Regions 08:29 - 08:54 (00:25) / 0.4 MB ocean, rainfall, China, Gobi, Taklamakan, air, precipitation, water, "rain shadow", desert, mountain
Coastal Deserts 08:54 - 09:50 (00:56) / 1.4 MB "Richard Hazlett", desert, air, water, coastline, Chile, Africa, ocean, evaporation, temperature, "cold marine current", "coastal desert"
Large Migration Disaster 23:02 - 23:44 (00:42) / 1.8 MB technology, drought, water, Sahel, livestock, humans, grazing, cattle, crop
Introduction to Waves, Beaches and Coasts 00:40 - 01:32 (00:52) / 1.1 MB introduction, wave, energy, wind, ocean, water, "coastal environment", environment
Water Surface 03:59 - 04:47 (00:48) / 0.8 MB water, "circular orbit", wave, "wave base", depth, wavelength, crest, "wave height"
Surf 04:47 - 05:49 (01:02) / 1.1 MB water, wave, shore, "sea floor", seabed, "wave base", energy, "circular orbit", wavelength, "frictional drag", surf
Dams 13:34 - 14:34 (01:00) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", dam, lake, flood, water, irrigation, sediment, transportation, river, beach, reservoir, humans, "fresh water"
Geology School Keywords

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