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Title Comment Keywords
Sand Dunes n.a. / n.a. sand dune, sand, wind, suspension, saltation, angle of repose, impact creep, slip face
Geologic Glossary n.a. / n.a. geologic term, glossary, ablation, absolute age, alluvial fan, amphibole, annual snowline, Archaean Eon, ash, asthenosphere, basalt, Basin and Range province, boulder, breccia, calcite, cave, cave system, Cenozoic Era, chemical weathering, cinder, cinder cone, clast, clay, cobble, conglomerate, continental collision, continental drift, convergent plate boundary, core, craton, crust, daughter product, desert pavement, dike, divergent plate boundary, dune, earthquake, Force Building Land 05:12 - 06:06 (00:54) / 1.2 MB "James Hutton", land, erosion, life, stream, sand, gravel, sediment, "sedimentary rock", uplift, water
Change in Environmental Conditions 04:59 - 06:49 (01:50) / 2.8 MB "Stanley Aramic", fossil, "Alexander Hills", "Eastern California", stromatolite, "sedimentary rock", environment, sand, cyanobacteria, "rate of sedimentation", deposition, precipitation, "calcium carbonate", "Crystal Spring Formation"
Crystallization In Water 22:58 - 23:43 (00:45) / 1.2 MB crystallization, precipitation, water, "chemical reaction", mineral, element, hematite, iron, oxygen, sand, sandstone
Sediment Turns To Stone 10:44 - 11:11 (00:27) / 1.9 MB weathering, grus, sediment, sorting, deposit, cementation, sandstone, siltstone, silt, sand, mineral
Windbreaks 23:18 - 24:00 (00:42) / 1.3 MB "Wayne Soppeland", weathering, soil, wind, erosion, windbreak, tree, farming, sand
Mudflows and Debris Flows 15:50 - 16:48 (00:58) / 2.5 MB "mass wasting", "mudflow", "debris flow", creep, slump, landslide, water, movement, viscosity, density, sand, silt, boulder, rainfall, snow, gravity, "geologic hazard"
Sedimentary Rocks: The Key to Past Environments 30 minutes / n.a. "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", sand, water, deposition, erosion, "depositional environment", time, river, lake
Sediment 02:31 - 03:22 (00:51) / 1.0 MB sediment, "mechanical weathering", "chemical weathering", erosion, wind, water, ice, "biological activity", sand, dune, beach, pebble, stream, shell, "sea floor", compaction, cementation, "sedimentary rock"
Sizes of Clastic Sediment 03:58 - 04:39 (00:41) / 1.0 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", erosion, boulder, cobble, pebble, sand, silt, clay, "grain size"
Sorting of Sediments 05:15 - 06:03 (00:48) / 1.3 MB "Dee Trent", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", deposition, water, river, mountain, canyon, valley, "coarse grained sediment", "fine grained sediment", sandstone, siltstone, ocean, sand, shoreline, mud, clay
Principle of Uniformity 10:14 - 11:49 (01:35) / 2.3 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", geologist, "Principle of Uniformity", "geologic time", weathering, water, wind, tide, "sea level change", lithification, deposition, "Earth's surface", limestone, "calcium carbonate", mud, quartz, sand, fossil, "tropical sea", Bahamas, "Florida Keys"
Cross-Bedding 13:28 - 14:47 (01:19) / 1.4 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "Principle of Original Horizontality", "sedimentary structure", bedding, cross-bedding, lakebed, "sea floor", wind, sand, dune, "mineral color", "mineral composition", "sand bar", "stream delta", geologist, stream, deposition, erosion, velocity, water
Ripple Marks 16:08 - 16:36 (00:28) / 0.5 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "ripple mark", sand, "shallow water", wave, current
Mud Cracks 16:36 - 17:49 (01:13) / 1.4 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "mud crack", fissure, deposition, "depositional environment", "river bed", "tidal flat", desiccation, preservation, sand, river, "natural levee", floodplain, meander, "braided stream", delta, climate
Evidence of Rivers 20:06 - 21:02 (00:56) / 1.4 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", lake, river, "depositional environment", "fine grained sediment", mud, delta, thickening, "coarsening upward sequence", bed, "thin bedded sandstone", "medium bedded sandstone", sand, "coarse grained sediment"
Scour and Fill 21:02 - 22:08 (01:06) / 0.9 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", "scour and fill", "water velocity", sandstone, sand, erosion, "depositional environment", "pebbly sand", "rip up fragment", "fluctuating current", "river channel"
Active Fault Scarp 22:08 - 23:25 (01:17) / 2.1 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", "basin margin", "San Gabriel Fault", "active fault scarp", "coarse grained sediment", "grain size", "grain shape", "poor sorting", sand, cobble, angularity, transportation, sedimentologist, crust, "tectonic history"
Uses of Sedimentary Rocks 23:25 - 24:42 (01:17) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", geologist, "Earth's surface", crust, "fossil fuel", oil, "natural gas", coal, "building material", cement, sand, gravel, concrete, "iron ore", steel, bauxite, aluminum, brick, tile, "cut stone", asphalt
Conclusion 25:34 - 26:56 (01:22) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "Grand Canyon", "Colorado River", sand, mud, "volcanic ash", "lava flow", "ocean basin", deformation, mountain, orogeny, "Mazatzal Mountains", erosion, uplift, limestone, shale, "sea level rise", flood, volcanism, deposition, unconformity, ocean, preservation
River Bars 09:17 - 10:02 (00:45) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", river, stream, discharge, "flow velocity", turbulence, energy, erosion, transportation, sediment, deposition, "river channel", bar, sand, gravel, ripple
Rock Type, Rock Structure, and Climate 05:47 - 06:58 (01:11) / 1.5 MB "William Morris Davis", geologist, uplift, erosion, landscape, modeling, "tectonic activity", "rock type", structure, climate, fold, fault, sand, clay, "Earth's surface", slope, "Grand Canyon", "sedimentary rock", weathering, arid, vegetation, canyon, time
Distributaries 11:08 - 11:45 (00:37) / 0.6 MB distributary, delta, river, sediment, deposition, "Mississippi River", Louisiana, silt, sand, clay
Wind, Dust and Deserts 30 minutes / n.a. desert, wind, rainfall, plant, soil, sand, evaporation, air, vegetation, precipitation, dune, desertification, climate
Regions of Infrequent Precipitation 03:06 - 04:14 (01:08) / 1.4 MB desert, landscape, Antarctica, polar, Alaska, sand, "Mojave Desert", precipitation, evaporation, "subtropical desert", Equator, humid, rainfall, "tropical rainforest", tropic, subtropic, arid
Drainage 11:06 - 12:25 (01:19) / 1.5 MB "Art Montana", desert, drainage, "drainage pattern", river, Nile, Africa, Niger, "Colorado River", "United States", stream, soil, pond, lake, evaporation, sand, "Mojave Desert", California, "Mojave River", "San Bernardino Mountains", "Soda Lake"
Wind Agent 12:25 - 12:58 (00:33) / 0.9 MB "James Sadd", desert, landscape, wind, sand, silt, transportation, dune, continent, "ocean basin"
Sand Dunes 14:24 - 15:01 (00:37) / 0.5 MB desert, wind, sand, ocean, continent, dune
Desert Playas 15:01 - 15:11 (00:10) / 0.2 MB desert, sand, "desert playa", lakebed, humid, arid
Conclusion 25:45 - 26:48 (01:03) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", desert, humans, life, dune, playa, salt, sand, "desert varnish", environment, landform, climate, lake, grassland, forest
Waves, Beaches and Coasts 30 minutes / n.a. beach, wave, erosion, energy, sediment, sand, "geologic hazard", ocean, coastline, coast, current
Straightening Coastlines 08:28 - 09:09 (00:41) / 0.7 MB wave, refraction, headland, bay, energy, erosion, deposition, shoreline, sediment, sand
Source of Sand 09:09 - 10:43 (01:34) / 2.0 MB "Thomas Hartnett", erosion, headland, sand, beach, sediment, ocean, river, stream, wave, coastline, surf, "swash zone", gravity, "long-shore current"
Spits and Bars 10:43 - 12:04 (01:21) / 2.1 MB "Thomas Hartnett", sand-spit, bar, sand, bay, "long-shore current", coastline, beach, sand-spit, breakwater, dredge, transportation, deposition
Seasonal Changes 12:04 - 12:59 (00:55) / 1.1 MB "Thomas Hartnett", beach, sand, "long-shore current", season, wave, energy, transportation, "sand wave", storm, deposition, erosion
Seawalls 15:30 - 16:26 (00:56) / 1.0 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", seawall, beach, erosion, coastline, "geologic hazard", sand, sediment, cliff
Beach Erosion 16:26 - 17:12 (00:46) / 1.0 MB "Scott Jenkins", seawall, energy, wave, beach, erosion, sand, "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "Scott Jenkins", "Scripps Center for Coastal Studies", breakwater, environment
Transporting Sediment Around Dams 19:38 - 20:32 (00:54) / 1.2 MB "Scott Jenkins", "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "Scripps Center for Coastal Studies", transportation, sediment, dam, beach, erosion, technology, season, "Southern California", lake, sand, foreshore, delta, "lake level", stream
Sand as a Public Resource 20:32 - 21:35 (01:03) / 1.2 MB "Scott Jenkins", "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "Scripps Center for Coastal Studies", technology, engineering, transportation, sand, dam, erosion, mining, resource, beach
Geology School Keywords

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