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USGS CMG InfoBank Geology School: epicenter

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InfoBank Terms: Activity ID   activity overview   crew   formal metadata   lines   metadata   NGDC   port stops   project/theme   region   ship   stations   time   virtual globe   year  
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Title Comment Keywords
Joshua Tree National Park on Shaky Ground n.a. / n.a. Joshua Tree, earthquake, fault, seismology, seismogram, intensity, magnitude, epicenter, focus, seismograph
Geologic Glossary n.a. / n.a. geologic term, glossary, ablation, absolute age, alluvial fan, amphibole, annual snowline, Archaean Eon, ash, asthenosphere, basalt, Basin and Range province, boulder, breccia, calcite, cave, cave system, Cenozoic Era, chemical weathering, cinder, cinder cone, clast, clay, cobble, conglomerate, continental collision, continental drift, convergent plate boundary, core, craton, crust, daughter product, desert pavement, dike, divergent plate boundary, dune, earthquake, Earthquakes 30 minutes / n.a. earthquake, Parkfield, fault, energy, "San Andreas Fault", magnitude, epicenter, "secondary wave", "Richter Scale", "primary wave", "fault zone", "earthquake prediction", "creep meter", "seismic wave"
Seismic Wave Velocities 06:46 - 07:36 (00:50) / 1.1 MB earthquake, "P-wave", "S-wave", "primary wave", "secondary wave", epicenter, "Richard Hazlett"
Seismograph and Epicenter 07:36 - 08:31 (00:55) / 1.1 MB seismograph, earthquake, "S-wave", "P-wave", "primary wave", "secondary wave", epicenter, energy, "Richard Hazlett"
Early Earthquake Detection Instruments 08:31 - 09:35 (01:04) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", earthquake, seismograph, China, "initial ground motion", vibration, "duplex pendulum", "San Francisco Earthquake", strength, duration, epicenter
Charles Richter 09:35 - 10:35 (01:00) / 0.5 MB "Charles Richter", "Richter Scale", earthquake, "ground motion", energy, epicenter, magnitude
Types of Ground Vibrations 13:44 - 14:21 (00:37) / 2.1 MB earthquake, "wave period", "natural period", vibration, "primary wave", "secondary wave", "surface wave", "ground motion", epicenter
Forecasting Earthquakes 15:21 - 16:20 (00:59) / 1.6 MB Parkfield, earthquake, "San Andreas Fault", magnitude, epicenter, prediction
Living With the Earth: The Loma Prieta Earthquake 30 minutes / n.a. earthquake, "Loma Prieta Earthquake", "San Francisco", "earthquake prediction", magnitude, epicenter, "San Francisco Bay", "San Andreas Fault"
Fault Segments 12:49 - 14:18 (01:29) / 1.9 MB "Loma Prieta Earthquake", "San Francisco", Oakland, epicenter, "San Andreas Fault", earthquake, "fault segment", magnitude, "earthquake prediction", "North American Plate", "Pacific Plate"
Liquefaction 16:20 - 17:47 (01:27) / 2.2 MB "William Bakun", "James Buika", liquefaction, epicenter, earthquake, "Loma Prieta Earthquake", "San Francisco Bay", soil, "ground motion", Embarcadero
Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves 18:51 - 19:33 (00:42) / 1.1 MB "Anthony Frasier-Smith", "San Francisco", "Santa Cruz Mountains", "Loma Prieta Earthquake", epicenter, "earthquake prediction", "low frequency electromagnetic wave", "Stanford University"
Conclusion 25:25 - 26:55 (01:30) / 2.0 MB "James Sadd", earthquake, "earthquake prediction", liquefaction, epicenter
epicenter n.a. / n.a. epicenter
hypocenter, focus n.a. / n.a. hypocenter, focus, epicenter
Geology School Keywords

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