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USGS CMG InfoBank: Living With the Earth: The Loma Prieta Earthquake

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Comment: 00:40 - 02:08 (01:28)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 25. Living With Earth, Part I

Keywords: introduction, "San Francisco", "North American Plate", "Pacific Plate", "Loma Prieta Earthquake"

Our transcription: This is San Francisco, the City by the Bay, an alluring location not only to the 800,000 who live here, but to millions of others who have ridden cable cars up and down its hilly streets, crossed over its spectacular bridges, and been charmed by its unique combination of enticing qualities.

Apart from its many other attributes, the San Francisco Bay area boasts two Major League baseball teams, the "San Francisco Giants" and the "Oakland Athletics."

Late on the afternoon of October 17, 1989, the Giants and the As prepared to do battle in the third game of their crosstown world series match-up.

Some 90 kilometers to the south, another battle is about to played out by two underground titans known as the "North American and the Pacific plates."

A section of the San Andreas Fault that marks the boundary between these tectonic plates has been locked in kind of a stalemated tug of war since 1906.

In a matter of moments, that great standoff will come to an abrupt end. In the process reducing America's favorite pastime to little more than a trifling footnote.

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