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Title Comment Keywords
Rocks and Minerals n.a. / n.a. rock, mineral, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock, extrusive igneous rock, intrusive igneous rock, clastic sedimentary rock, biologic sedimentary rock, chemical sedimentary rock, foliated metamorphic rock, non-foliated metamorphic rock
Continental Crust 08:12 - 09:20 (01:08) / 1.2 MB "Thomas Henyey", "continental crust", "igneous rock", metamorphism, "sedimentary rock", "igneous rock", "metamorphic rock", "sedimentary rock", silicate
Continental Crust 08:12 - 09:20 (01:08) / 1.2 MB "Thomas Henyey", "continental crust", "igneous rock", metamorphism, "sedimentary rock", "igneous rock", "metamorphic rock", "sedimentary rock", silicate
Mountain Building and the Growth of Continents 30 minutes / n.a. orogeny, mountain, continent, erosion, crust, mantle, uplift, subduction, sediment, "metamorphic rock", craton, collision, "sedimentary rock", "ocean basin", lithosphere, "igneous rock", accretion
Center of Continents 02:12 - 02:44 (00:32) / 0.5 MB continent, craton, shield, "Canadian Shield", erosion, "North American Continent", "ice sheet", flatland, soil, "sedimentary rock", crust
Ancient Heart of North America 02:44 - 03:48 (01:04) / 1.9 MB "Canadian Shield", "Superior Province", craton, granulite, greenstone, "metamorphic rock", erosion, "volcanic rock", "sedimentary rock", "island arc"
Mountains Rose from the Seas mountains, 07:49 - 08:41 (00:52) / 1.1 MB sedimentation, "sedimentary rock", "sea floor", "James Hutton", "J. Lawford Anderson", sediment, orogeny
The Rock Cycle 11:12 - 11:57 (00:45) / 1.1 MB sediment, continent, magma, mantle, subduction, "sea floor", volcanism, "sedimentary rock", "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "rock cycle", crust, erosion, orogeny
Subduction and Accretion 13:27 - 14:37 (01:10) / 1.4 MB subduction, accretion, mountain, orogeny, lithosphere, India, Asia, "ocean basin", collision, "sedimentary rock", "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "convergent plate margin", Madagascar, Fiji
Earth's Structures 30 minutes / n.a. deformation, structure, fold, unconformity, "tectonic activty", "geologic structure", fault, erosion, contact, earthquake, strata, "sedimentary rock", "sea level change", thrust, stress
Unconformities 16:25 - 17:32 (01:07) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", "James Hutton", "geologic structure", unconformity, erosion, "sedimentary rock", contact
The Great Unconformity 17:32 - 18:26 (00:54) / 0.9 MB "James Sadd", "Grand Canyon", "geologic structure", unconformity, uplift, deformation, "tectonic activity", sandstone, "sea level change", erosion, "sedimentary rock", contact
Angular Unconformity 18:26 - 19:30 (01:04) / 1.2 MB "Dee Trent", "angular unconformity", "geologic structure", unconformity, erosion, uplift, "tilted bed", "sea level change", "tectonic activity", deposition, "Principle of Original Horizontality", sandstone, "sea level change", erosion, "sedimentary rock", contact
Nonconformity 19:30 - 20:30 (01:00) / 1.4 MB "Dee Trent", nonconformity, unconformity, "geologic structure", erosion, "sea level change", "tectonic activity", deposition, "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "sea level change", erosion, "sedimentary rock", contact
Disconformity 20:30 - 21:02 (00:32) / 0.6 MB "Dee Trent", disconformity, unconformity, "geologic structure", erosion, "tectonic activity", deposition, erosion, "sedimentary rock", contact
Geologic Time 30 minutes / n.a. "absolute age dating", "James Hutton", isotope, "geologic time", element, fossil, Bible, "age", superposition, "sedimentary rock", "rock formation", "relative age dating", radioactivity, "radioisotope", "Principle of Superposition", "mass spectrometer", correlation
Force Building Land 05:12 - 06:06 (00:54) / 1.2 MB "James Hutton", land, erosion, life, stream, sand, gravel, sediment, "sedimentary rock", uplift, water
Uniformitarianism 07:33 - 08:39 (01:06) / 2.0 MB "James Hutton", Bible, "Theory of Uniformity", Uniformitarianism, uniformity, river, sediment, "sea floor", "sedimentary rock", Scotland, flood, landscape
Relative Age Dating of Rocks 11:23 - 12:24 (01:01) / 1.2 MB "relative age dating", "Principles of Relative Age Dating", "James Sadd", correlation, "Kiabab Limestone", "Grand Canyon", "rock formation", Arizona, Minnesota, "Mount Saint Helens", "sedimentary rock"
Evolution Through Time 30 minutes / n.a. fossil, evolution, life, environment, extinction, animal, plant, Mesozoic, mammal, dinosaur, stromatolite, "sedimentary rock", Paleozoic, ecosystem, climate, Cenozoic, atmosphere, "rock formation"
Formation of Fossils 02:04 - 03:02 (00:58) / 1.5 MB mold, bone, shell, "sedimentary rock", groundwater, cast, fossil, track, burrow, nest
Oceans Preserve Fossils 03:02 - 03:55 (00:53) / 1.4 MB "Dee Trent", fossil, erosion, "plate tectonics", "sedimentary rock", "terrestrial life", vertebrate, weathering, predation, scavenging
Stromatolites 03:55 - 04:59 (01:04) / 1.4 MB fossil, "marine organism", bone, shell, stromatolite, algae, oxygen, atmosphere, evolution, "sedimentary rock"
Change in Environmental Conditions 04:59 - 06:49 (01:50) / 2.8 MB "Stanley Aramic", fossil, "Alexander Hills", "Eastern California", stromatolite, "sedimentary rock", environment, sand, cyanobacteria, "rate of sedimentation", deposition, precipitation, "calcium carbonate", "Crystal Spring Formation"
How Geologists Use Minerals 03:48 - 05:04 (01:16) / 1.4 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", mineral, geologist, geochronologist, "geologic age", rock, "radioactive element", "sedimentary petrologist", stratigrapher, sediment, "sedimentary rock", mountain, erosion, deformation, "igneous petrologist", "metamorphic petrologist", pressure, temperature, crystallization, magma, metamorphism, "plate tectonics", "structural geologist", magnetism, plate, "plate motion"
Minerals and Weathering 09:40 - 10:44 (01:04) / 1.2 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", granite, weathering, mineral, temperature, quartz, feldspar, "chemical weathering", plagioclase, clay, orthoclase, sediment, rock, "sedimentary rock"
Sedimentary Rocks: The Key to Past Environments 30 minutes / n.a. "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", sand, water, deposition, erosion, "depositional environment", time, river, lake
Grand Canyon 01:22 - 02:31 (01:09) / 1.1 MB "James Sadd", "Grand Canyon", "John Wesley Powell", geology, "sedimentary rock", "Colorado River", landscape, "geologic time", "geologic history", "mineral composition", "grain size", "grain shape", structure, "rock color", climate, "vegetation pattern", shoreline, topography, "Earth's surface", sediment
Sediment 02:31 - 03:22 (00:51) / 1.0 MB sediment, "mechanical weathering", "chemical weathering", erosion, wind, water, ice, "biological activity", sand, dune, beach, pebble, stream, shell, "sea floor", compaction, cementation, "sedimentary rock"
Weathering and Erosion 03:22 - 03:58 (00:36) / 0.6 MB "Dee Trent", crust, "igneous rock", "metamorphic rock", "sedimentary rock", "Earth's surface", weathering, erosion, "rock composition", "mechanical weathering", "chemical weathering", mineral
Sizes of Clastic Sediment 03:58 - 04:39 (00:41) / 1.0 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", erosion, boulder, cobble, pebble, sand, silt, clay, "grain size"
Transported Sediment 04:39 - 05:15 (00:36) / 0.8 MB "sedimentary rock", sediment, transportation, wind, water, stream, sorting
Sorting of Sediments 05:15 - 06:03 (00:48) / 1.3 MB "Dee Trent", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", deposition, water, river, mountain, canyon, valley, "coarse grained sediment", "fine grained sediment", sandstone, siltstone, ocean, sand, shoreline, mud, clay
Lithification 06:03 - 07:05 (01:02) / 1.9 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", compaction, cementation, "chemical precipitation", "pore space", packing, distortion
Chemical Precipitation 07:05 - 07:42 (00:37) / 1.0 MB "sedimentary rock", "chemical sedimentation", lithification, "chemical precipitation", water, desert, lake, lagoon, evaporation, calcite, gypsum, salt, evaporite
Biological Contribution 07:42 - 08:56 (01:14) / 1.3 MB "sedimentary rock", "chemical sedimentation", ocean, "biological activity", algae, coral, invertebrate, "calcium carbonate", shell, reef, "sea floor", limestone, fossil, chalk, plant, animal, life, "continental shelf", radiolaria, diatom, silica, chert, diatomite
Coal 08:56 - 09:44 (00:48) / 1.3 MB "Dee Trent", "sedimentary rock", "swampy bayou", delta, moss, weed, root, tree, compaction, coal, swamp, water, "Okeefanokee Swamp", "Southeast Asia", vegetation, preservation, pressure, "geologic time", peat
Environments of Deposition 09:44 - 10:14 (00:30) / 0.5 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "glacial valley", lake, beach, "river delta", "sea floor", deposition, water, land
Principle of Uniformity 10:14 - 11:49 (01:35) / 2.3 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", geologist, "Principle of Uniformity", "geologic time", weathering, water, wind, tide, "sea level change", lithification, deposition, "Earth's surface", limestone, "calcium carbonate", mud, quartz, sand, fossil, "tropical sea", Bahamas, "Florida Keys"
Sedimentary Structures 11:49 - 12:27 (00:38) / 0.7 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", deposition, "depositional environment", erosion, transportation
Bedding 12:27 - 13:28 (01:01) / 1.2 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", bedding, bed, "bedding plane", interruption, time
Cross-Bedding 13:28 - 14:47 (01:19) / 1.4 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "Principle of Original Horizontality", "sedimentary structure", bedding, cross-bedding, lakebed, "sea floor", wind, sand, dune, "mineral color", "mineral composition", "sand bar", "stream delta", geologist, stream, deposition, erosion, velocity, water
Depositional Environments of Cross-Bedding 14:47 - 15:20 (00:33) / 0.6 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "depositional environment", deposition, cross-bedding, river, interruption, progradation
Cross-Beds Determines Direction 15:20 - 16:08 (00:48) / 1.0 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", cross-bedding, transportation, river, dune, "water current", downstream, meander, sorting, "grain size"
Ripple Marks 16:08 - 16:36 (00:28) / 0.5 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "ripple mark", sand, "shallow water", wave, current
Mud Cracks 16:36 - 17:49 (01:13) / 1.4 MB "Walter E. Reed", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "mud crack", fissure, deposition, "depositional environment", "river bed", "tidal flat", desiccation, preservation, sand, river, "natural levee", floodplain, meander, "braided stream", delta, climate
Reconstructing Ancient Landscapes 17:49 - 18:37 (00:48) / 1.0 MB "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", geologist, "mud crack", "ripple mark", cross-bedding, landscape, "San Andreas Fault", "San Gabriel Fault", "Ridge Basin", "Southern California", basin, mountain
Ridge Basin 18:37 - 20:06 (01:29) / 2.1 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", sedimentologist, lake, "fine grained sediment", "thin bed", water, "depositional environment", "river channel", continuity, limestone, microfossil, "fresh water", "mud crack", "ripple mark"
Evidence of Rivers 20:06 - 21:02 (00:56) / 1.4 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", lake, river, "depositional environment", "fine grained sediment", mud, delta, thickening, "coarsening upward sequence", bed, "thin bedded sandstone", "medium bedded sandstone", sand, "coarse grained sediment"
Scour and Fill 21:02 - 22:08 (01:06) / 0.9 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", "scour and fill", "water velocity", sandstone, sand, erosion, "depositional environment", "pebbly sand", "rip up fragment", "fluctuating current", "river channel"
Active Fault Scarp 22:08 - 23:25 (01:17) / 2.1 MB "Cathy Busby-Spera", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "sedimentary structure", "Ridge Basin", "basin margin", "San Gabriel Fault", "active fault scarp", "coarse grained sediment", "grain size", "grain shape", "poor sorting", sand, cobble, angularity, transportation, sedimentologist, crust, "tectonic history"
Uses of Sedimentary Rocks 23:25 - 24:42 (01:17) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", geologist, "Earth's surface", crust, "fossil fuel", oil, "natural gas", coal, "building material", cement, sand, gravel, concrete, "iron ore", steel, bauxite, aluminum, brick, tile, "cut stone", asphalt
Importance To Our Modern Civilization 24:42 - 25:06 (00:24) / 0.6 MB "sedimentary rock"
Record of Earth's History 25:06 - 25:34 (00:28) / 0.6 MB "James Sadd", geologist, "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "Grand Canyon", "geologic time", "Earth's surface", mountain
Conclusion 25:34 - 26:56 (01:22) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", "sedimentary rock", "clastic sediment", "Grand Canyon", "Colorado River", sand, mud, "volcanic ash", "lava flow", "ocean basin", deformation, mountain, orogeny, "Mazatzal Mountains", erosion, uplift, limestone, shale, "sea level rise", flood, volcanism, deposition, unconformity, ocean, preservation
Metamorphic Rocks 30 minutes / n.a. metamorphism, temperature, pressure, "metamorphic rock", mineral, "plate tectonics", time, crust, composition, "snowball garnet", "sedimentary rock", "igneous rock", heat, crystal
Metamorphic Rocks 02:46 - 03:20 (00:34) / 0.7 MB "metamorphic rock", "fine-grained", granite, marble, "sedimentary rock", "igneous rock", metamorphism
Conditions of Metamorphism 04:19 - 05:00 (00:41) / 0.8 MB "Douglas M. Morton", metamorphism, weathering, sedimentation, "sedimentary rock", temperature, pressure, melting, "igneous rock", "Earth's surface"
Geologic Hazard 08:54 - 09:55 (01:01) / 1.4 MB "Douglas M. Morton", "Ann Meeker", foliation, dam, road, engineering, "metamorphic rock", "sedimentary rock", landslide, structure, construction, orientation, "geologic hazard"
Rising Temperature 09:55 - 10:40 (00:45) / 1.3 MB "directed stress", temperature, mineral, "metamorphic rock", recrystallization, texture, "igneous rock", "sedimentary rock", limestone, calcite, heat, metamorphism, crystal
Metamorphosed Claystone 18:49 - 20:08 (01:19) / 2.0 MB "Douglas M. Morton", metamorphism, claystone, "sedimentary rock", alumina, "regional metamorphism", heat, slate, mineral, temperature, pressure, foliation, layering, phyllite, "linear structure", mica, crystal, garnet, "metamorphic grade", gneiss
Rock Type, Rock Structure, and Climate 05:47 - 06:58 (01:11) / 1.5 MB "William Morris Davis", geologist, uplift, erosion, landscape, modeling, "tectonic activity", "rock type", structure, climate, fold, fault, sand, clay, "Earth's surface", slope, "Grand Canyon", "sedimentary rock", weathering, arid, vegetation, canyon, time
River Drainage Patterns 06:58 - 08:02 (01:04) / 2.2 MB "Douglas D. Rhodes", "rock type", structure, river, "drainage pattern", stream, geologist, "sedimentary rock", "dendritic pattern", fracture, fault, "intersecting pattern", "trellis pattern", erosion, slope, valley
Terraces 09:07 - 09:31 (00:24) / 0.4 MB "stream terrace", climate, river, stream, "sedimentary rock", transportation, erosion, slope
Glacial Evidence In Geology 01:38 - 02:33 (00:55) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", glacier, geologist, "Louis Agassi", Europe, sediment, boulder, "glacial advance", "glacial retreat", "sedimentary rock", continent, "Northern Hemisphere", "glacial ice", "landscape evolution", "glacial melt"
Oil In Pore Spaces 07:00 - 08:17 (01:17) / 1.6 MB "Anthony Marino", Arco, Bakersfield, California, oil, deposit, well, drilling, reservoir, "sedimentary rock", sandstone, limestone, pressure, gas, "rock formation"
Petroleum Depletion 17:36 - 18:40 (01:04) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", "reflection seismology", "horizontal drilling", "satellite remote sensing", satellite, oil, gas, reserve, geologist, exploration, technology, energy, "fossil fuel", environment, "public health", "sedimentary rock", "geologic time", power, "nonrenewable resource"
Geology School Keywords

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