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What's New in the FY 2000 ACF-800 Form

The FFY 2000 Reports will differ from previous years' reports in several important ways:

  • Licensed Capacity. A new optional data element (6b) asks states to report the total licensed capacity of the state in centers and homes;
  • Pooling Information. Elements 17-19 require more detailed information on the sources of funds in those situations where states consolidate both CCDF and non-CCDF financial resources into a single pool to provide child care subsidies. For information on how to calculate the pooling percentage, review Element 18;
  • Unannounced Inspections. For the first time, the Child Care Bureau requests that grantees report whether or not unannounced inspections of regulated child care operations are conducted on a routine basis. This new Element 20 is optional, but important in reporting a key performance measure of the Child Care Bureau;
  • Footnotes. Element 21 allows respondents to submit footnotes concerning data elements; and
  • Additional Materials. The ACF-800 annual report will now also serve as a focal point for the collection of materials from the states and territories regarding quality activities funded by CCDF. The National Child Care Information Center will be the repository for these materials.

Note: To help clarify certain data elements in the new ACF-800 form, the Child Care Bureau developed several optional "explanation fields." The OMB-approved version of the ACF-800 requests that all explanation be reported in Element 21, whereas the web implementation here provides the explanation fields immediately following each data element that needs clarification. This should make data entry easier and clearer. The explanation fields are marked "Optional."

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The FFY 2000 Reports will differ from previous years' reports in several important ways:

  • Licensed Capacity. A new optional data element (6b) asks states to report the total licensed capacity of the state in centers and homes;
  • Pooling Information. Elements 17-19 require more detailed information on the sources of funds in those situations where states consolidate both CCDF and non-CCDF financial resources into a single pool to provide child care subsidies. For information on how to calculate the pooling percentage, review Element 18;
  • Unannounced Inspections. For the first time, the Child Care Bureau requests that grantees report whether or not unannounced inspections of regulated child care operations are conducted on a routine basis. This new Element 20 is optional, but important in reporting a key performance measure of the Child Care Bureau;
  • Footnotes. Element 21 allows respondents to submit footnotes concerning data elements; and
  • Additional Materials. The ACF-800 annual report will now also serve as a focal point for the collection of materials from the states and territories regarding quality activities funded by CCDF. The National Child Care Information Center will be the repository for these materials.

Note: To help clarify certain data elements in the new ACF-800 form, the Child Care Bureau developed several optional "explanation fields." The OMB-approved version of the ACF-800 requests that all explanation be reported in Element 21, whereas the web implementation here provides the explanation fields immediately following each data element that needs clarification. This should make data entry easier and clearer. The explanation fields are marked "Optional."

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