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Comment: 02:20 - 03:28 (01:08)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed 26. Living With Earth, Part II

Keywords: "James Sadd", life, humans, "human power", resource, "Industrial Revolution", fuel, oil, "natural gas", coal, uranium, energy, geologist

Our transcription: Today we've come to realize that our quality of life and our future existence on this planet depend on how we exercise this human power of choice and intelligence.

During the last century, and largely as the result of the Industrial Revolution, much of the Earth's supply of geologic resources has been severely depleted by the almost insatiable appetite of our energy hungry lifestyle and a growing population.

In fact, most geologic fuels, including oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium are considered to be nonrenewable.

Deposits of these materials form extremely slowly when compared to a human time scale.

At present rates of consumption, we can expect that some time in the next few generations, these materials will be unavailable or simply too costly to use.

So at this critical time in our history, human power again becomes vitally important.

Creative and enterprising scientists are using their knowledge and talents to search for new forms of energy.

In the meantime, geologists are working to locate and to more efficiently develop existing sources of energy.

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