Statement by Secretary Spellings on the First Academic Competitiveness Council Meeting
Archived Information

March 6, 2006
Contacts: Susan Aspey, Valerie Smith
(202) 401-1576

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U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today issued the following statement on the first Academic Competitiveness Council Meeting held at the White House:

"The Academic Competitiveness Council had a productive first meeting today at the White House, and I am honored to serve as the Chair of this Council, established by the Deficit Reduction Act, which President Bush signed into law on February 8th.

"President Bush reiterated in today's meeting what he said in the State of the Union, 'If we ensure that America's children succeed in life, they will ensure that America succeeds in the world.' Each Council member has a part to play in preparing students for the future.

"Currently, there are more than 200 programs that focus on math and science, spread across 13 agencies, all of whom were represented today. Our goal is to gauge effectiveness and better coordinate these programs. Over the next several months, we will be looking at the data to see what policies are working for students, and where we can use taxpayers' dollars more efficiently. One of the best ways to do that is to align programs with the principles of NCLB, focusing on accountability, assessment, scientifically based research, local control, and results for students.

"We must all work together to give students the math and science skills they need to compete and thrive."

The Deficit Reduction Act, signed into law by the President on February 8, 2006, included an Academic Competitiveness Council chaired by the Secretary of Education, and consisting of members of the Federal Government whose agencies have education programs in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Its mission under law is to evaluate the effectiveness of each program, identifying areas of overlap and recommending ways to efficiently integrate and coordinate in the future. The Council will also ensure that these programs, especially those that focus on elementary and secondary education and teacher training, are aligned with the principles of No Child Left Behind.



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Last Modified: 03/06/2006