Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 007 >> 007 (Electronic Resource)

007 - Electronic Resource (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise

Used for all electronic resources (i.e., programs, data files, etc.) which usually consist of digitized machine-readable data or program code intended to be accessed, processed, or executed by computer.

Character Positions
00 - Category of material
c - Electronic resource
01 - Specific material designation
Special class of material (usually the class of physical object) to which an item belongs (e.g., a magnetic disk).
a - Tape cartridge
b - Chip cartridge
c - Computer optical disc cartridge
f - Tape cassette
h - Tape reel
j - Magnetic disk
m - Magneto-optical disc
o - Optical disc
r - Remote
u - Unspecified
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
02 - Undefined
Contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
03 - Color
Whether the item is one color or multicolored.
a - One color
b - Black-and-white
c - Multicolored
g - Gray scale
m - Mixed
n - Not applicable
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
04 - Dimensions
Dimensions of the medium used to encode the electronic resource.
a - 3 1/2 in.
e - 12 in.
g - 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm.
i - 1 1/8 x 2 3/8 in.
j - 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in.
n - Not applicable
o - 5 1/4 in.
u - Unknown
v - 8 in.
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
05 - Sound
Whether the production of sound is an integral part of an electronic resource.
# - No sound (silent)
a - Sound
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
06-08 - Image bit depth
Exact bit depth of the scanned image(s) that comprise the electronic resource, or a three-character alphabetic code which indicates that the exact bit depth cannot be recorded. Since only exact bit depth is useful, coding should not include missing digits represented by hyphens (-).
001-999 - Exact bit depth
mmm - Multiple
nnn - Not applicable
--- - Unknown
||| - No attempt to code
09 - File formats
Whether the file(s) which comprise the electronic resource are of the same format or type for digitally reformatted materials.
a - One file format
m - Multiple file formats
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
10 - Quality assurance target(s)
Whether quality assurance targets have been included appropriately at the time of reformatting/creation of the electronic resource.
a - Absent
n - Not applicable
p - Present
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
11 - Antecedent/Source
Information about the source of a digital file important to the creation, use and management of digitally reformatted materials.
a - File reproduced from original
b - File reproduced from microform
c - File reproduced from an electronic resource
d - File reproduced from an intermediate (not microform)
m - Mixed
n - Not applicable
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
12 - Level of compression
Kind of compression the electronic resource has been subjected to.
a - Uncompressed
b - Lossless
d - Lossy
m - Mixed
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
13 - Reformatting Quality
Reformatting quality of the electronic resource; an overall assessment of the physical quality of the electronic resource in relation to its intended use. It can be used to judge the level of quality of a file, and an institution's commitment to maintain its availability over time.
a - Access
Electronic resource is of a quality that will support current, electronic access to the original item (reference use), but is not sufficient to serve as a preservation copy.
n - Not applicable
p - Preservation
Electronic resource was created via reformatting to help preserve the original item.
r - Replacement
Electronic resource is of very high quality and, when printed out, viewed on screen or played via a listening device could serve as a replacement should the original be lost, damaged, or destroyed.
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 007 >> 007 (Electronic Resource)
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