Library of Congress >> MARC >>Bibliographic >> 00X >> 007 >> 007 (Map)

007 - Map (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise

Cartographic materials other than globes.

Character Positions
00 - Category of material
a - Map
01 - Specific material designation
Special class of cartographic material to which the item belongs.
d - Atlas
g - Diagram
Map characterized by simplified, or schematic, representation.
j - Map
Two-dimensional map.
k - Profile
Scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface (which may or may not be a plane) with the surface of the ground or with that of a conceptual three-dimensional model of phenomena having continuous distribution (e.g., rainfall).
q - Model
Three-dimensional representation of a real object.
r - Remote-sensing image
Image produced by a recording device that is not in physical or intimate contact with the object under study.
s - Section
Scaled representation of a vertical surface (commonly a plane) displaying both the the intersection profile or some conceptual model, and the underlying structures, e.g., geological section.
u - Unspecified
y - View
Perspective representation of the landscape shown as if it were projected onto an oblique plane.
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
02 - Undefined
Contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
03 - Color
Whether the item is in one color or multicolored.
a - One color
c - Multicolored
| - No attempt to code
04 - Physical medium
Material out of which the cartographic item is made.
a - Paper
Any kind of cellulose-based paper.
b - Wood
Material which is based on wood particles or fibers may or may not be considered wood. Consider particle board wood.
c - Stone
d - Metal
e - Synthetic
All man-made substances other than textiles.
f - Skin
Synthetic materials which are made to resemble animal skin are coded as synthetic.
g - Textiles
Used for all fabrics, whether made from natural or synthetic fibers.
j - Glass
p - Plaster
Includes mixtures of ground solids and plaster.
q - Flexible base photographic, positive
Material is a flexible base photographic medium designed to render a positive image.
r - Flexible base photographic, negative
Material is a flexible base photographic medium designed to render a negative image.
s - Non-flexible base photographic, positive
Material is a non-flexible base photographic medium designed to render a positive image.
t - Non-flexible base photographic, negative
Material is a non-flexible base photographic medium designed to render a negative image.
u - Unknown
y - Other photographic medium
Photographic medium other than those covered by one of the more specific codes q, r, s, and t.
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
05 - Type of reproduction
Whether the cartographic item is a facsimile or other type of reproduction.
f - Facsimile
n - Not applicable
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
06 - Production/reproduction details
Photographic technique used to produce the cartographic item.
a - Photocopy, blueline print
Has a blueline image on a white background and is reproduced by the whiteprint process.
b - Photocopy
c - Pre-production
d - Film
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
07 - Positive/negative aspect
Positive/negative aspect of the photocopy or film of the cartographic item.
a - Positive
Polarity is positive, i.e., lines and characters are dark on light background.
b - Negative
Polarity is negative, i.e., lines and characters are light on dark background.
m - Mixed polarity
Mixture of positive and negative images.
n - Not applicable
| - No attempt to code

Library of Congress >> MARC >>Bibliographic >> 00X >> 007 >> 007 (Map)
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