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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content

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Performance Challenges


The diversity of ACF's programs, target populations, and range of partners makes it challenging to establish and achieve goals and outcome measures. Over the past several years, ACF has changed the way it measures the success of programs and implemented a major shift in the way it works with its partners. A changing role with states and grantees has allowed ACF to accelerate major reforms in many programs. In order to focus on results, ACF continues to update performance measures, targets, and information, as well as strengthen partnerships with states and grantees. Creating a mature set of performance measures and data collection strategies continues to be a high priority.

Lags in Data Collection:

ACF relies on state administrative data systems for performance reporting because states and local community organizations administer most of its programs. For many programs, final reports are due ninety to 120 days after the fiscal year ends. In some cases, for example in TANF, where earnings gains are measured over a nine-month period after an individual obtains a job, the period is even longer. This time lag in receiving and validating data reports on actual achievements makes it difficult to provide a comprehensive summary of FY 2003 performance until late in FY 2004.

Difficulty in collecting reliable data:

Many of ACF’s performance metrics rely on voluntary data reports, e.g., LIHEAP, Child Care, TANF, CSBG, and ADD. Fluctuations in the number of states and grantees reporting and the flexibility allowed in selecting measures continue to make the collection of consistent, reliable, and verifiable data extremely challenging.

Program Assessment Rating Tool

Eight ACF programs (Head Start, Refugee Resettlement, Foster Care, Child Support Enforcement, Community Services Block Grant, Developmental Disabilities, Runaway and Homeless Youth, and Low-Income Heating Assistance) are participating in OMB's program performance assessments, a component of the President's budget and performance integration initiative. Information on the ratings for these programs can be found in the appropriate program section in the Budget Justification.

Focus on Outcomes

For 2005, in order to reduce overall measures while increasing outcome measures, ACF dropped twenty-three measures, revised five and added thirteen resulting in a total of fifty-eight measures; fifteen are efficiency measures and forty-three are outcome measures.



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