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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content

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TANF 1.1f. Annual cost per adult recipient
Refugee Resettlement 1.2f. For newly arrived refugees receiving TANF or other forms of cash assistance, shorten the length of time it takes a refugee to obtain unsubsidized employment following arrival in the U.S. (Developmental) (HS 6.1)
Assets for Independence 2.2c Increase acquisition of post-secondary education, home-ownership and small business capitalization by low-income working families per dollars invested.
Child Support 3.1e Increase the cost-effectiveness ration (total dollars collected per $1 of expenditures).
Child Care 4.1a. The number of children receiving child care services through CCDF, TANF-direct and SSBG funds from the 2000 baseline. (Developmental).
Head Start 5.2m. Decrease under-enrollment in Head Start programs thereby increasing the number of children served per dollar (Developmental)
Child Welfare 6.1b. Increase the percentage of children who exit foster care within two years of placement either through guardianship or adoption.
6.1c Maintain the percentage of children who exit foster care system through reunification within one year of placement.
Youth 6.2g. Decrease transitioning time between entry into transitional living program and job placement or student enrollment. (Developmental)
CSBG 7.1c Increase the amount of non-Federal dollars mobilized and coordinated to combat local conditions that keep people in poverty per $1,000 of CSBG block grant dollars expended to support core state and local CSBG network activities.
Family Violence 7.2c. Shorten the response time to provide needed information to callers (Developmental)
LIHEAP 7.3c Increase the amount of non-Federal energy assistance resources leveraged through the LIHEAP leveraging incentive program.
ANA 7.4b The number of jobs created or retained in Native communities through the delivery of capacity building resources, partnerships and leveraging of limited resources. (Note: The increase in jobs is the result of leveraging resources and delivery of capacity building skills not additional dollars.)
ADD 7.5h Cost per grant management.
OA 9.1a Decrease ACF's manager-to-staff ratio.



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