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Title Comment Keywords
Earthquakes 30 minutes / n.a. earthquake, Parkfield, fault, energy, "San Andreas Fault", magnitude, epicenter, "secondary wave", "Richter Scale", "primary wave", "fault zone", "earthquake prediction", "creep meter", "seismic wave"
Causes of Earthquakes 02:10 - 03:26 (01:16) / 1.7 MB "radioactive decay", heat, energy, plate, friction, lithosphere, earthquake, mountain, orogeny, uplift, erosion, river, water, flora, fauna
Seismic Waves 05:27 - 06:46 (01:19) / 1.6 MB earthquake, energy, "plane of slip", fault, "frictional heat", "seismic wave", "P-wave", "S-wave", "primary wave", "secondary wave", "shear wave", "shear stress", "Dee Trent"
Seismograph and Epicenter 07:36 - 08:31 (00:55) / 1.1 MB seismograph, earthquake, "S-wave", "P-wave", "primary wave", "secondary wave", epicenter, energy, "Richard Hazlett"
Charles Richter 09:35 - 10:35 (01:00) / 0.5 MB "Charles Richter", "Richter Scale", earthquake, "ground motion", energy, epicenter, magnitude
Richter Scale 10:35 - 11:20 (00:45) / 1.1 MB "Richter Scale", magnitude, earthquake, "elastic energy", energy
Small Earthquakes 11:20 - 11:51 (00:31) / 0.8 MB "William Bakun", earthquake, magnitude, energy, "Loma Prieta Earthquake"
Structure of the San Andreas Fault 17:35 - 18:25 (00:50) / 1.9 MB Parkfield, "Tom Daley", "San Andreas Fault", "fault structure", "Vibra-seis truck", wave, energy, velocity, "subsurface structure", earthquake
Conclusion 26:29 - 27:30 (01:01) / 1.2 MB earthquake, "San Andreas Fault", crust, "fault zone", "tectonic stress", "earthquake prediction", energy, fault, "James Sadd"
Katmai Research Project 24:24 - 25:42 (01:18) / 2.3 MB "John Eichelberger", volcano, "Mount Katmai", eruption, prediction, "ore deposit", magma, temperature, "igneous rock", "hydrothermal system", geothermal, energy
Benefits of Volcanoes 25:42 - 26:30 (00:48) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", volcano, "geologic hazard", soil, plant, agriculture, "hot spring", geothermal, energy, Iceland
Metamorphism 01:17 - 02:29 (01:12) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", mountain, "plate tectonics", lithosphere, deformation, energy, orogeny, collision, crust, magma, fault, heat, pressure, metamorphism, mineral, composition, "radiometric age", atom, recrystallization, time
Running Water I: Rivers, Erosion and Deposition 30 minutes / n.a. river, sediment, discharge, stream, river channel, erosion, transportation, "flow velocity", deposition, energy, flood, slope
Velocity of Water 03:15 - 04:00 (00:45) / 1.3 MB "Dee Trent", river, stream, "water velocity", erosion, transportation, discharge, sediment, slope, gradient, "river channel", friction, energy
Flow Velocity 05:09 - 05:46 (00:37) / 1.7 MB "James Sadd", river, transportation, erosion, sediment, ocean, "flow velocity", energy, slope, gradient
Abrasion 06:18 - 06:45 (00:27) / 1.0 MB "James Sadd", river, stream, abrasion, "rapid current", sediment, scouring, bedrock, energy, "river channel", cobble, erosion, "flow velocity"
River Bars 09:17 - 10:02 (00:45) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", river, stream, discharge, "flow velocity", turbulence, energy, erosion, transportation, sediment, deposition, "river channel", bar, sand, gravel, ripple
Meandering Streams 10:58 - 11:37 (00:39) / 0.7 MB "Douglas D. Rhodes", meander, river, stream, energy, valley, discharge, "Mississippi River", "New Orleans", Memphis, equilibrium
Equilibrium 15:41 - 16:28 (00:47) / 1.0 MB "Douglas D. Rhodes", river, erosion, transportation, deposition, mountain, equilibrium, stream, "bed load", discharge, energy, "flow velocity", bank, bed
Red Eye Crossing 17:56 - 18:56 (01:00) / 1.9 MB "Tom J. Pokrefke", river, "U.S. Army Corps of Engineers", "Red Eye Crossing", "river channel", "Waterways Experiment Station", WES, "Vicksburg Mississippi", sediment, deposition, energy, dredge
Influence of Running Water 01:58 - 02:48 (00:50) / 0.7 MB "James Sadd", "Colorado River", continent, energy, river, "river channel", erosion, sediment, valley, "mass wasting", landform, slope
Landscape Maturity 04:30 - 05:47 (01:17) / 1.8 MB "Douglas D. Rhodes", landscape, mature, uplift, stream, valley, slope, youthful, energy, erosion, "base level", degradation, floodplain, peneplain, "old age"
Water Resource 19:34 - 20:39 (01:05) / 2.5 MB groundwater, resource, oil, hydrocarbon, energy, life, replenishment, infiltration, well
Waves, Beaches and Coasts 30 minutes / n.a. beach, wave, erosion, energy, sediment, sand, "geologic hazard", ocean, coastline, coast, current
Introduction to Waves, Beaches and Coasts 00:40 - 01:32 (00:52) / 1.1 MB introduction, wave, energy, wind, ocean, water, "coastal environment", environment
Ocean Waves 02:35 - 03:59 (01:24) / 3.4 MB "ocean wave", beach, energy, ripple, wind, crest, trough
Surf 04:47 - 05:49 (01:02) / 1.1 MB water, wave, shore, "sea floor", seabed, "wave base", energy, "circular orbit", wavelength, "frictional drag", surf
Straightening Coastlines 08:28 - 09:09 (00:41) / 0.7 MB wave, refraction, headland, bay, energy, erosion, deposition, shoreline, sediment, sand
Seasonal Changes 12:04 - 12:59 (00:55) / 1.1 MB "Thomas Hartnett", beach, sand, "long-shore current", season, wave, energy, transportation, "sand wave", storm, deposition, erosion
Severe Storms 14:34 - 15:30 (00:56) / 1.6 MB storm, wave, coastline, erosion, humans, "sea cliff", beach, seawall, energy, "geologic hazard"
Beach Erosion 16:26 - 17:12 (00:46) / 1.0 MB "Scott Jenkins", seawall, energy, wave, beach, erosion, sand, "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "Scott Jenkins", "Scripps Center for Coastal Studies", breakwater, environment
Models Test Design 17:12 - 18:16 (01:04) / 1.8 MB "Scott Jenkins", "wave tank", modeling, breakwater, "wave height", energy, data, "sea cliff", "coral reef", erosion, beach, "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "Scripps Center for Coastal Studies"
Natural Processes 18:16 - 19:38 (01:22) / 1.7 MB "Scott Jenkins", "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "Scripps Center for Coastal Studies", seawall, environment, shoreline, preservation, erosion, sediment, dam, equilibrium, energy, human
Living With the Earth: Preserving the Legacy 30 minutes / n.a. oil, energy, drilling, technology, geothermal, gas, resource, power, exploration, "fossil fuel"
Nonrenewable Resources 02:20 - 03:28 (01:08) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", life, humans, "human power", resource, "Industrial Revolution", fuel, oil, "natural gas", coal, uranium, energy, geologist
Electromagnetic Radiation 11:35 - 12:49 (01:14) / 1.7 MB "John Everett", satellite, "remote sensing", "electromagnetic radiation", "Earth's surface", energy, "visible light", "gamma ray", X-ray, "ultraviolet radiation", "radio wave", microwave, "infrared radiation", humans, "spectral band"
Petroleum Depletion 17:36 - 18:40 (01:04) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", "reflection seismology", "horizontal drilling", "satellite remote sensing", satellite, oil, gas, reserve, geologist, exploration, technology, energy, "fossil fuel", environment, "public health", "sedimentary rock", "geologic time", power, "nonrenewable resource"
New Energy Sources 18:40 - 19:19 (00:39) / 0.5 MB "James Sadd", environment, "fossil fuel", energy, humans, "human power", technology, "wind power", "solar power", geothermal, pollution, "renewable resource"
Hydropower 19:19 - 20:19 (01:00) / 1.5 MB "fossil fuel", hydropower, dam, power, "wind power", "solar power", energy, "photo-voltaic cell", "external heat engine"
Earth's Internal Heat Engine 20:19 - 21:32 (01:13) / 1.2 MB "Fred Teeters", "internal heat engine", crust, geothermal, volcanism, power, energy, Larderello, Italy, technology, "United States", oil, gas, resource
Geothermal Power 21:32 - 22:25 (00:53) / 0.9 MB "Fred Teeters", geothermal, "Imperial Valley", California, crust, groundwater, magma, energy, "Earth's surface", drilling, steam
Steam Drives Turbines 22:25 - 23:25 (01:00) / 1.2 MB "Fred Teeters", steam, energy, power, groundwater, geothermal, salt, brine
Brine 23:25 - 25:01 (01:36) / 1.7 MB "Fred Teeters", brine, groundwater, pressure, reservoir, drilling, well, nitrogen, steam, geothermal, power, energy, environment, "wind power", "photo-voltaic cell", structure
Substitutes For Energy 25:01 - 25:34 (00:33) / 0.7 MB geothermal, hydropower, "wind power", "solar power", "fossil fuel", energy, environment, reserve
Geology School Keywords

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