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Comment: 01:22 - 02:19 (00:57)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 13. Volcanism

Keywords: volcano, "Voyager Space Probe", Earth, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, "Olympus Mons", Io, "Mount Everest", "volcanic gas", atmosphere, water, ocean, stream

Our transcription: Our modern spacecraft have revealed that if volcanoes are hell, then there is not only hell on Earth, it exists in many other parts of the solar system.

In 1988 the Voyager Space Probe startled scientists when it showed Jupiter's Moon, Io, belching volcanic sulfur hundreds of kilometers above the surface.

Numerous volcanoes have also been observed on the Planet Venus, as well as on Mars, where the largest volcano, Olympus Mons is three times the height of Mt. Everest and 600 kilometers across.

Volcanic gases have contributed to the atmospheres of these other worlds, just as they have provided the air we breath on Earth, produced water for streams and oceans, and helped create conditions suitable for life.

They also serve as clues about what is going on inside our planet.

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