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Comment: 19:39 - 20:52 (01:13)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 16. Mass Wasting

Keywords: "Ann Meeker", "Schaeffer Dixon and Associates", "mass wasting", geology, construction, map, landslide, outcrop, bedding, dip, structure, fault, creep, slump, stability

Our transcription: It was with just that in mind that a major real estate developer hired Ann Meeker and her colleagues at Schaeffer Dixon and Associates to assess the geologic stability of a 60 acre parcel of land.

The developer planned to build 150 homes worth between $300,000 and $500,000 each.

Ordinary, if a particular site is found to be unacceptable for building, a developer can always look elsewhere.

But in this case that is not an option because the developer has already bought the land, so as Ann Meeker begins her work, the financial stakes are unusually high.

When we come out to a site, we'll typically map the area first on foot to look for features such as: these landslides to match to a map of outcrops that we see, to get an idea of what direction the bedding is dipping, the structure in the area.

We'll be looking for any evidence of faulting, any evidence of superficial creep where the surface soils have slowly moved over time causing slumping or an irregular surface.

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