Library of Congress >> MARC >>Bibliographic >> 00X >> 008 >> 008 (Visual Materials)

008 - Visual Materials (NR)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise

Character Positions
18-20 - Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings (006/01-03)
Three-digit number that indicates the total running time of the motion picture or videorecording. The number is right justified and each unused position contains a zero.
000 - Running time exceeds three characters
001-999 - Running time
nnn - Not applicable
--- - Unknown
||| - No attempt to code
21 - Undefined (006/04)
Undefined; contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
22 - Target audience (006/05)
One-character alphabetic code that indicates the audience for which the item is intended.
# - Unknown or not specified
a - Preschool
b - Primary
c - Pre-adolescent
d - Adolescent
e - Adult
f - Specialized
g - General
j - Juvenile
| - No attempt to code
23-27 - Undefined (006/06-10)
Undefined; each contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
28 - Government publication (006/11)
One-character alphabetic code that indicates whether the item is published or produced by or for an international, provincial, national, state, or local government agency, or by any subdivision of such a body, and, if so, the jurisdictional level of the agency.
# - Not a government publication
a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
c - Multilocal
f - Federal/national
i - International intergovernmental
l - Local
m - Multistate
o - Government publication-level undetermined
s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
u - Unknown if item is government publication
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
29 - Form of item (006/12)
One-character alphabetic code that specifies the form of material.
# - None of the following
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
f - Braille
r - Regular print reproduction
Eye-readable print, such as a photocopy.
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
30-32 - Undefined (006/13-15)
Undefined; each contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
33 - Type of visual material (006/16)
One-character alphabetic code that indicates the type of visual material being described.
a - Art original
b - Kit
Mixture of components from two or more categories, that is, sound recording, maps, filmstrips, etc., no one of which is the predominant constituent of the item.
c - Art reproduction
d - Diorama
f - Filmstrip
g - Game
i - Picture
k - Graphic
l - Technical drawing
m - Motion picture
n - Chart
o - Flash card
p - Microscope slide
q - Model
r - Realia
s - Slide
t - Transparency
v - Videorecording
w - Toy
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
34 - Technique (006/17)
One-character alphabetic code that indicates the technique used in creating motion in motion pictures or videorecordings.
a - Animation
c - Animation and live action
l - Live action
n - Not applicable
Item is not a motion picture or a videorecording.
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code

Library of Congress >> MARC >>Bibliographic >> 00X >> 008 >> 008 (Visual Materials)
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