Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 008 >> 008 (Books)

008 - Books (NR)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise

Character Positions
18-21 - Illustrations (006/01-04)
Up to four (4) one-character alphabetic codes (recorded in alphabetical order)that indicate the presence of types of illustrations in the item. If fewer than four alphabetic codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks (#).
# - No illustrations
a - Illustrations
b - Maps
c - Portraits
d - Charts
e - Plans
f - Plates
g - Music
h - Facsimiles
i - Coats of arms
j - Genealogical tables
k - Forms
l - Samples
m - Phonodisc, phonowire, etc.
o - Photographs
p - Illuminations
| - No attempt to code
22 - Target audience (006/05)
One-character alphabetic code that describes the intellectual level of the target audience for which the material is intended.
# - Unknown or not specified
a - Preschool
b - Primary
c - Pre-adolescent
d - Adolescent
e - Adult
f - Specialized
g - General
j - Juvenile
| - No attempt to code
23 - Form of item (006/06)
One-character alphabetic code that specifies the form of material for the item.
# - None of the following
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
f - Braille
r - Regular print reproduction
Eye-readable print, such as a photocopy.
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
24-27 - Nature of contents (006/07-10)
Up to four one-character codes (recorded in alphabetical order) that indicate whether a significant part of the item is or contains certain types of material. If fewer than four codes are assigned, the codes are left justified and unused positions contain blanks (#).
# - No specified nature of contents
a - Abstracts/summaries
Abstracts or summaries of other publications. Not used when a publication includes an abstract or summary of its own content.
b - Bibliographies
c - Catalogs
Also includes lists of collectible objects, such as stamps and coins, or trade catalogs, etc. For catalogs of books, sound recordings, or motion pictures, code b (Bibliographies), code k (Discographies), or code q (Filmographies), are given with code c.
d - Dictionaries
e - Encyclopedias
f - Handbooks
g - Legal articles
i - Indexes
Index to bibliographical material other than itself.
j - Patent document
k - Discographies
l - Legislation
Full or partial texts of enactments of legislative bodies, published either in statute or in code form, or texts of rules and regulations issued by executive or administrative agencies.
m - Theses
Thesis, dissertation, or work identified as having been created to satisfy the requirements for an academic certification or degree.
n - Surveys of literature in a subject area
Composed entirely of authored surveys that summarize what has been published about a subject.
o - Reviews
Devoted entirely to critical reviews of published or performed works (e.g., books, films, sound recordings, theater).
p - Programmed texts
q - Filmographies
r - Directories
s - Statistics
t - Technical reports
u - Standards/specifications
v - Legal cases and case notes
w - Law reports and digests
y - Yearbooks
z - Treaties
Treaty or accord negotiated between two or more parties to settle a disagreement, establish a relationship, grant rights, etc.
2 - Offprints
Publication that originally was published as an article in a monograph or a serial and that is also issued separately and independently. Includes preprints and postprints.
5 - Calendars
6 - Comics/graphic novels
| - No attempt to code
28 - Government publication (006/11)
One-character code that indicates whether or not the item is published or produced by or for an international, national, state, provincial, or local government agency, or by any subdivision of such a body.
# - Not a government publication
a - Autonomous or semi-autonomous component
c - Multilocal
f - Federal/national
i - International intergovernmental
l - Local
m - Multistate
o - Government publication-level undetermined
s - State, provincial, territorial, dependent, etc.
u - Unknown if item is government publication
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
29 - Conference publication (006/12)
One-character code that indicates whether the item consists of the proceedings, reports, or summaries of a conference.
0 - Not a conference publication
1 - Conference publication
| - No attempt to code
30 - Festschrift (006/13)
One-character code that indicates whether the item is a festschrift.
0 - Not a festschrift
1 - Festschrift
| - No attempt to code
31 - Index (006/14)
One-character numeric code that indicates whether the item includes an index to its own contents.
0 - No index
1 - Index present
| - No attempt to code
32 - Undefined (006/15)
Contains a blank (#) or a fill character (|).
33 - Literary form (006/16)
One-character code used to indicate the literary form of an item. Numeric codes 0 and 1 provide a generic identification of whether or not the item is a work of fiction. Alphabetic codes may be used to identify specific literary forms.
0 - Not fiction (not further specified)
1 - Fiction (not further specified)
d - Dramas
e - Essays
f - Novels
h - Humor, satires, etc.
Humorous work, satire, or of similar literary form.
i - Letters
Single letter or collection of correspondence.
j - Short stories
Short story or collection of short stories.
m - Mixed forms
Represents a variety of literary forms (e.g., poetry and short stories).
p - Poetry
s - Speeches
u - Unknown
| - No attempt to code
34 - Biography (006/17)
One-character alphabetic code that indicates whether or not an item contains biographical material, and if so, what the biographical characteristics are.
# - No biographical material
a - Autobiography
b - Individual biography
c - Collective biography
d - Contains biographical information
| - No attempt to code

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 00X >> 008 >> 008 (Books)
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