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Comment: 22:30 - 23:54 (01:24)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 21. Groundwater

Keywords: "Jim Goodrich", groundwater, "surface water", well, basin, aquifer, pollution, "Orange County", sampling, drilling, mitigation

Our transcription: Because water quality is such a vital part of groundwater management, it is essential to monitor the water both above and below the surface.

Traditionally, we've sampled our groundwater basin at the production well, and we still do that because that's, next step is your faucet, and we are very concerned about what reaches the faucet.

But, it would also be nice to know if there is something coming down the aquifer that we don't know about, and find it before it reaches the production well.

So what we've done in Orange County is develop a very sophisticated groundwater monitoring program which uses surface water sampling, production well sampling and dedicated monitoring well sampling.

Our monitoring wells are drilled to a depth of about 1,500 feet and isolate and tap up to 18 zones that we could monitor individually.

So that if a contaminant is coming towards us, towards the production well, we can find it before it becomes a major problem and institute a mitigation.

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