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Table 1
Number and percentage distribution of public and private K–12 teachers by their workforce categories and employment background: 1987–88, 1990–91, 1993–94, and 1999–2000

Workforce categories
and employment
Number Percent   Number Percent   Number Percent   Number Percent

     Total workforce at the
     start of the year
2,630,000 100   2,916,000 100   2,940,000 100   3,451,000 100
Continuing teachers 2,261,000 86   2,518,000 86   2,558,000 87   2,874,000 83
New hires 370,000 14   398,000 14   381,000 13   577,000 17
  Transfers at the start of the year 229,000 9   227,000 8   196,000 7   294,000 9
  New entrants 141,000 5   171,000 6   185,000 6   283,000 8
   Returning teachers 61,000 2   49,000 2   46,000 2   130,000 4
   Delayed entrants 35,000 1   51,000 2   60,000 2   67,000 2
   Recent graduates 45,000 2   71,000 2   80,000 3   86,000 3

NOTE: All numbers are estimates with confidence intervals varying from ± 2,200 to ± 47,000. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), “Public Teacher Questionnaire” and “Private Teacher Questionnaire,” 1987–88; “Public Teacher Questionnaire” and “Private Teacher Questionnaire,” 1990–91; “Public Teacher Questionnaire” and “Private Teacher Questionnaire,” 1993–94; “Public Teacher Questionnaire,” “Charter Teacher Questionnaire,” and “Private Teacher Questionnaire,” 1999–2000.

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