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USGS CMG InfoBank Geology School: magma

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Title Comment Keywords
Rift Zone 02:59 - 04:01 (01:02) / 1.4 MB "plate tectonics", "convergent plate margin", Iceland, "mid-Atlantic ridge", "mid-oceanic ridge", rift, landscape, earthquake, geyser, "hot spring", crust, "lava flow", "volcanic ash", basalt, fissure, volcano, plate, magma, "divergent plate"
Sea Floor Spreading 04:35 - 05:33 (00:58) / 0.5 MB "plate tectonics", "oceanic crust", crust, magma, volcano, "divergent plate", "mid-oceanic ridge", rift, "sea floor spreading", plate, topography, orogeny, collision, "deep-sea trench", subduction
Island Arc System 07:45 - 08:41 (00:56) / 0.4 MB "plate tectonics", plate, subduction, trench, earthquake, mantle, crust, basalt, "oceanic crust", pressure, magma, andesite, eruption, "volcanic chain", island, "island arc"
Continental Margin Subduction 08:41 - 09:05 (00:24) / 0.3 MB "plate tectonics", subduction, "continental margin", continent, andesite, "volcanic chain", volcano, landscape, eruption, "divergent plate", magma, gas, basalt, viscosity
Composition of the Continental Crust 05:05 - 05:53 (00:48) / 1.2 MB "granitic rock", greenstone, magma, crust, volcanism, lithosphere, sediment
Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks 10:36 - 11:12 (00:36) / 0.4 MB mountain, "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", orogeny, sediment, fold, melting, "granitic rock", magma, mantle, basalt, crust, "Jason Saleeby"
The Rock Cycle 11:12 - 11:57 (00:45) / 1.1 MB sediment, continent, magma, mantle, subduction, "sea floor", volcanism, "sedimentary rock", "metamorphic rock", "igneous rock", "rock cycle", crust, erosion, orogeny
How Geologists Use Minerals 03:48 - 05:04 (01:16) / 1.4 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", mineral, geologist, geochronologist, "geologic age", rock, "radioactive element", "sedimentary petrologist", stratigrapher, sediment, "sedimentary rock", mountain, erosion, deformation, "igneous petrologist", "metamorphic petrologist", pressure, temperature, crystallization, magma, metamorphism, "plate tectonics", "structural geologist", magnetism, plate, "plate motion"
Beams of Electrons 16:33 - 17:33 (01:00) / 0.9 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", electrons, "laboratory analysis", "thin section", "chemical composition", mineral, rock, pressure, depth, granite, "rock origin", "Whipple Mountains", crust, "rock age", magma
Hydrothermal Ore Deposits 21:48 - 22:58 (01:10) / 1.1 MB "J. Lawford Anderson", magma, "igneous intrusion", "metallic mineral", "ore deposit", "hydrothermal ore deposit", metal, element, mineral, quartz, feldspar, mica, "lava flow", crystal, water, boiling, fracture, "magma chamber", precipitation
Volcanism 30 minutes / n.a. volcano, eruption, magma, lava, vent, "volcanic ash", temperature, gas, viscosity, "shield volcano", pumice, dome, "composite volcano", "plate tectonics"
Volcanoes and Magma 02:19 - 03:46 (01:27) / 1.9 MB "James Sadd", volcano, magma, "interior of the Earth", eruption, "volcanic gas", "volcanic ash", atmosphere, climate, Sun, "sea floor", "mid-oceanic ridge", crust
Hawaiian Hot Spot Hypothesis 03:46 - 05:20 (01:34) / 2.8 MB "Robert Tilling", volcano, plate, magma, "pillow lava", fissure, temperature, Hawaii, "divergent plate", "Pacific Plate", basalt, "lava flow", eruption, "oceanic hot spot"
Eruptions From Rift Zones 06:05 - 06:45 (00:40) / 1.0 MB volcano, eruption, crater, "shield volcano", Hawaii, fissure, "rift zone", gravity, stress, pressure, magma, "lava flow", "summit vent", Kilauea
Explosiveness of An Eruption 08:18 - 08:40 (00:22) / 0.7 MB volcano, "volcanic gas", eruption, temperature, composition, magma, silica, viscosity
Andesitic Lavas Cause Explosive Eruptions 08:40 - 09:34 (00:54) / 1.2 MB "James Sadd", eruption, "composite volcano", "lava flow", basalt, andesite, silica, temperature, viscosity, magma, gas, pressure, "volcanic ash", pumice
Pumice 09:34 - 09:51 (00:17) / 0.4 MB pumice, eruption, viscosity, gas, magma, volcano
Volcanoes Far From Plate Margins 11:51 - 13:20 (01:29) / 2.7 MB "Richard Hazlett", "Robert Tilling", volcano, "convergent plate margin", "divergent plate margin", "oceanic hot spot", desert, California, subduction, "cinder cone", crust, tension, fracture, "plate tectonics", pressure, magma, eruption
Volcanoes Die With Changes In Plate Boundaries 13:20 - 14:07 (00:47) / 0.8 MB "James Sadd", volcano, "convergent plate margin", "Panam Crater", gas, eruption, crater, pumice, magma, vent, plug, dome, obsidian, viscosity, silica
Monitoring Volcanoes 14:44 - 16:10 (01:26) / 3.0 MB "Robert Tilling", volcano, prediction, "ground deformation", uplift, "seismic monitoring", earthquake, magma, fracture
Noverupta 17:50 - 18:26 (00:36) / 0.8 MB eruption, "Mount Katmai", Alaska, volcano, "National Geographic Expedition", Noverupta, "lava flow", dome, crater, caldera, magma, vent
Katmai Research Project 24:24 - 25:42 (01:18) / 2.3 MB "John Eichelberger", volcano, "Mount Katmai", eruption, prediction, "ore deposit", magma, temperature, "igneous rock", "hydrothermal system", geothermal, energy
Intrusive Igneous Rocks 30 minutes / n.a. magma, igneous, crystal, crust, granite, basalt, plutonic, volcano, intrusion, pluton, mineral, felsic, andesite, "plate tectonics"
Volcanic Eruptions 00:40 - 02:04 (01:24) / 1.6 MB volcano, eruption, "lava flow", magma, crust, mantle, crystallization, intrusion, "igneous rock", "Mount Saint Helens", Kilauea, "James Sadd"
Igneous Rocks 02:04 - 03:09 (01:05) / 1.1 MB volcano, "James Hutton", "Abraham Vernor", granite, Scotland, "igneous rock", eruption, volcano, magma
Heating Magma 03:09 - 03:59 (00:50) / 0.8 MB volcano, "David Sigurdson", heat, radioactivity, isotope, potassium, thorium, uranium, decay, magma
Intrusion 03:59 - 04:17 (00:18) / 0.3 MB magma, intrusion, plutonic, igneous
Intrusion 04:17 - 05:46 (01:29) / 1.7 MB "James Hutton", granite, plutonic, Scotland, mafic, gabbro, felsic, granite, silica, aluminum, diorite, volcanism, cooling, crystallization, magma, crystal, igneous
Crystals and Cooling 05:46 - 06:48 (01:02) / 1.4 MB "James Sadd", dike, andesite, magma, gneiss, heat, crystal, granite, rhyolite, phenocryst
Minerals Crystalize 07:53 - 08:44 (00:51) / 0.9 MB crystal, "J. Lawford Anderson", "igneous rock", mineral, magma, plagioclase, olivine, potassium, feldspar, quartz
Reaction Series 08:44 - 09:24 (00:40) / 0.6 MB crystal, "Norman Bowen", magma, mineral, "reaction series"
Crystals 10:44 - 11:21 (00:37) / 0.6 MB crystal, "Norman Bowen", magma, water
Differentiation 11:21 - 12:07 (00:46) / 0.6 MB crystal, "David Sigurdson", "Norman Bowen", granite, differentiation, magma, basalt, mafic, felsic, mineral
Crystallized Minerals 12:07 - 12:38 (00:31) / 1.0 MB plutonic, intrusion, mafic, felsic, crystal, "lava flow", ash, magma
Lab Limitations 12:38 - 13:04 (00:26) / 0.7 MB plutonic, "James Sadd", cooling, water, magma, intrusion, "igneous rock", tectonic
Ocean Basalt 13:04 - 13:49 (00:45) / 0.6 MB ocean, ridge, "spreading center", magma, mantle, crystal, basalt, subduction, crust, volcano, "rim of fire", "J. Lawford Anderson"
Oceanic and Continental Magmas 13:49 - 14:51 (01:02) / 1.0 MB magma, "plate tectonics", "sea floor", iron, magnesium, basalt, "Bowen's Reaction Series", subduction, silica, andesite, "South America", ocean, ridge, "Dee Trent"
Convergent Plate Boundary Magma 14:51 - 16:24 (01:33) / 1.6 MB "convergent plate", andesite, diorite, magma, basalt, lithosphere, marine, sediment, serpentine, melting, crust, felsic, "Bowen's Reaction Series", "David Sigurdson"
Plutons 17:40 - 18:02 (00:22) / 0.6 MB pluton, "igneous rock", continent, crust, sediment, mafic, magma, "convergent plate", granite
Magma 18:02 - 18:59 (00:57) / 1.7 MB magma, density, "convergent plate", crust, stoping, xenolith
Lava Lamp Model 20:12 - 20:52 (00:40) / 0.7 MB lithosphere, magma, density, plutonic, "igneous rock", intrusion, batholith, pluton, "James Sadd"
Anorthosite 22:45 - 24:21 (01:36) / 1.8 MB anorthosite, plutonic, Moon, basalt, magma, crystal, differentiation, calcium, plagioclase, "San Gabriel Mountains", "David Sigurdson"
Dead Moon Live Earth 24:56 - 25:30 (00:34) / 0.5 MB anorthosite, Moon, magma
Value of Intrusive Igneous Processes 26:05 - 26:58 (00:53) / 1.2 MB "igneous rock", intrusion, mineral, lithosphere, ore, metal, gem, "tectonic activity", planet, magma, crystal, ocean, continent, mountain, "James Sadd"
Metamorphism 01:17 - 02:29 (01:12) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", mountain, "plate tectonics", lithosphere, deformation, energy, orogeny, collision, crust, magma, fault, heat, pressure, metamorphism, mineral, composition, "radiometric age", atom, recrystallization, time
Migrating Fluids 12:11 - 12:46 (00:35) / 1.1 MB "metamorphic rock", temperature, magma, orogeny, crust, intrusion, "migrating fluid", "chemical reaction", protolith, pressure
Geologic Settings 13:09 - 13:53 (00:44) / 1.3 MB "James Sadd", "metamorphic rock", magma, intrusion, "contact metamorphism", "convergent plate", "plate tectonics", "regional metamorphism", temperature, pressure
Conclusion 25:25 - 26:50 (01:25) / 1.5 MB "James Sadd", metamorphism, crust, "Earth's surface", "metamorphic rock", "oceanic crust", "metamorphic grade", fossil, life, "geologic time", "plate tectonics", mountain, erosion, ocean, continent, temperature, pressure, collision, "convergent plate margin", subduction, melting, magma
Geothermal Power 21:32 - 22:25 (00:53) / 0.9 MB "Fred Teeters", geothermal, "Imperial Valley", California, crust, groundwater, magma, energy, "Earth's surface", drilling, steam
Geology School Keywords

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