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USGS CMG InfoBank: There Are Skeptics To Every Theory

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Comment: 22:40 - 23:42 (01:02)

Source: Annenberg/CPB Resources - Earth Revealed - 5. The Birth of a Theory

Keywords: "Gary Ernst", "plate tectonics", theory, "Apollo Mission", Moon

Our transcription: Plate tectonics theory fundamentally changed the way Earth Scientists view our world.

Acceptance of the theory has taken hold worldwide, although a few skeptics remain.

There are skeptics to every theory, and I guess you would have to say whether we are talking about evolution or a spherical Earth.

You would have to say there are skeptics.

There are people I am told who don't believes that the Apollo Mission actually went to the moon.

My belief is that it is a very healthy thing that there are such skeptics because they test our honesty basically.

It's the emperor has no clothes sort of phenomenon.

We all believe in a new hypothesis and accept it so completely that perhaps we don't test where we should, and it is very important that these skeptics exist.

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