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Size of High Schools
Table 30-2 Percentage of regular secondary school teachers who thought that certain issues were a "serious" problem in their schools, by location and enrollment: 1999–2000
Indicator 30 (2003): Table 30-2

!Interpret data with caution (estimates are unstable).

NOTE: See supplemental note 1 for more information on location. Data include regular high school teachers only; teachers in special education, vocational education, and alternative high schools are excluded. Secondary schools include all schools with no grade below grade 7 and with one grade at grade 9 or higher. A secondary school may include an ungraded class.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, NCES, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public Teacher Questionnaire, Charter Teacher Questionnaire, and Private Teacher Questionnaire," 1999–2000.

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