Overviews of the Collections
Belgian Collections at the Library of Congress
Grant Harris Head, European Reading Room
The General Collections
The Library's general collections of monographs, bound periodicals,
and annuals include approximately 75,000 titles from or about Belgium.
The total number of volumes exceeds 125,000, since many of the
individual titles are multi-volume. These materials cover all disciplines
of the humanities, social sciences and sciences, with particular
strengths in history, language and literature. Roughly half of
these materials are in French and forty percent in Dutch. The remainder
is in English, German, and more than a dozen other languages. Since
the 1970s, the Library has averaged annual receipts of more than
600 monographic titles from Belgium and an additional 100 titles
about Belgium published outside that country.
The European Reading Room
The European Reading Room provides direct access to a large number
of reference works on Belgium, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias,
atlases, histories, biographical directories, bibliographies and
other reference sources. The reading room makes available for onsite
use numerous bibliographic databases and full-text resources, many
of which contain citations or texts pertaining to Belgium. Current
issues of a few selected newspapers and periodicals can be found
on display.
Several current Belgian newspapers and periodicals are available
in the Newspaper & Current
Periodical Reading Room. In addition, that reading room provides
retrospective holdings of older Belgian newspapers, many of which
are on microfilm. The Library's general collections include runs
of approximately 3,000 retrospective or current journals, bulletins,
annuals and other serials from Belgium.
Rare Books
The Library's Rare
Book and Special Collections Reading Room has custody of
approximately one thousand volumes from or about Belgium. A majority
of these were published before 1800, including more than fifty
incunabula. When Thomas Jefferson sold his personal book collection
to the Library of Congress in 1814, it included eighteen titles
published in Belgium. Although only six of those titles survived
a fire in 1851, replacement copies have been acquired for many
of the lost volumes.
The Lessing
J. Rosenwald Collection, with its focus on illuminated books,
includes among its many treasures more than one hundred volumes
prepared by Flemish printers of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
Also of note from the Rosenwald Collection is the second book
ever to be printed in the English language, a volume prepared
in Belgium by the English printer William Caxton, entitled The
Game and Playe of the Chesse [Bruges: after 31 March 1474/75].
The following two bibliographic guides focus on the Belgian-related
portion of the Rosenwald Collection:
Early Printed Books of the Low Countries: An Exhibition in
the Library of Congress, April 2, 1958, to August 31, 1958. Washington,
1958. 37 pages. LC call number: Z881. U5 1958.
Goff, Frederick Richmond. Early Belgian Books in the Rosenwald
Collection of the Library of Congress. [1947] 11 pages. LC
call number: Z733. U63 R63
Students of the history of the book will find of interest a unique
collection of some 1,300 broadsides and pamphlets from the years
1811-1909, announcing forthcoming or just-published books, newspapers
and journals, grouped under the heading "Publishing Prospectuses
from France and Belgium." Although primarily from Belgium and secondarily
from France, prospectuses from ten other countries are included
here. Some prospectuses are for intended publications that never
The Geography and Map
Reading Room provides access to millions of maps, atlases
and other cartographic materials, including thousands of maps
pertaining to Belgium. These comprise general, specialized, city
and other maps of the past six centuries. Several maps by the
reknowned Flemish cartographers of the sixteenth-century are
represented here, such as the atlas prepared in 1595 by Gerardus
Mercator, whose last name is synonymous with projection maps.
In 1993/94, an exhibit of Dutch and Flemish maps at the Library
of Congress was accompanied by a 19-page guide entitled Leo
Belgicus: The Dutch & Flemish World, 1500-1800. To view maps
that have been digitized by the Library of Congress, see Map
Collections: 1500-2003 on the American Memory site.
The Manuscript Division collects
Americana, including materials pertaining to U.S. relations of
any nature with other countries. Here may be found the papers of
many American diplomats and others from the United States who worked
in or had correspondence with individuals from Belgium. Some manuscripts
pertain to U.S.-Belgian relations during the two world wars. One
collection, "Belgian Children's Letters to President Woodrow Wilson,
February-March, 1915," comprises 8,400 letters in Flemish or French
(with a few English translations) expressing gratitude for American
relief efforts during World War I.
American Folklife Center
The American Folklife
Center includes resources from American ethnic groups as
well as from every region of the world. The finding aid listed
below describes the Archive of Folk Culture's unpublished ethnographic
collections that document the traditional music and other aspects
of the folklife of Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and
their diaspora.
Benelux Collections in the Archive of Folk Culture, Acquired
through 1996. LC Folk Archive Finding Aid No. 28. Compiled
by Alan L. Mosely. Library of Congress, May 2002. 14 pages.
Other Special Collections
Other special collections pertaining to Belgium include prints
and photographs, motion pictures, sound recordings, music scores,
microfilm and digitized materials. Because not all items in these
collections are separately listed in the Library's online catalog,
readers and researchers should contact the appropriate reading
rooms for advice from specialists and to obtain access to additional
finding aids. Many Library of Congress collections have been digitized
and are available online. For photographs and other images, see
the Prints & Photographs
Online Catalog. To search for all digitized materials at once
that relate to Belgium, whether maps, music, photographs, early
motion pictures, etc., use the American
Memory search engine.
The Law Library Reading
Room makes available more than 2,500 titles pertaining to
law in Belgium. The reading room possesses substantial holdings
of the Belgian official gazette, entitled Le Moniteur Belge
= Belgisch Staatsblad (Sept 1832-June 1836; 1846-2002). This
title ceased to be printed after 31 December 2002, and thereafter
is available only online.
Related pages on the Library of Congress site:
Directories from Belgium at the Library of Congress Described
here are the Library's holdings of retrospective telephone directories
from Belgium, especially for the period from 1937 through the
mid 1990s. These resources are not listed in the Library's online
Internet Resources: Belgium Part of the Library's Portals
to the World site.