Address/Telephone Directories from Latvia at the Library of Congress
The Library of Congress maintains a large collection of retrospective foreign and domestic telephone directories, although most of these are not cataloged. (More specialized directories for commerce, industry and specific professions are indeed cataloged and may be identified in the Library's online catalog.) The uncataloged directories listed below reflect holdings of Latvian telephone directories prior to the year 2000. Some of the directories are in Russian or print Latvian in the transliterated Cyrillic letters mandatory for many publications during Soviet rule, and those cases are noted within the entry. Otherwise, the directories are in standard Latvian employing roman letters. The arrangement is generally chronological, except for the last six entries, which are specialized directories.
Spisok abonentov Rizhskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti
Coverage: Riga
Residential and organizational listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Years: 1958, 1961, 1964
Rigas pilsetas telefona tikla abonentu saraksts
Coverage: Riga
Residential and organizational listings
Years: 1961, 1964
Jurmalas pilsetas telefona tikla abonentu saraksts = Spisok Abonentov Iurmalskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti
Coverage: Jurmala
Residential and organizational listings
Language/alphabet: first half of book is in Latvian; second half is in Russian.
Year: 1965
Spisok abonentov kvartirnykh telefonov telefonnykh setei gorodov Rigi i Iurmaly
Coverage: Riga and Jurmala
Residential listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1971
Abonenty telefonnoi seti g. Rigi: kvartirnye telefony
Coverage: Riga
Residential listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1980
Abonenty telefonnoi seti g. Iurmaly: kvartirnye telefony
Coverage: Jurmala
Residential listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1980
Jurmalas telefonu tikla Abonenti: dzivoklu telefoni
Coverage: Jurmala
Residential listings
Year: 1981
Latvijas PSR Rigas pilsetas, Jurmalas pilsetas un Rigas rajona iestazu, uznemumu un organizaciju telefonu abonentu saraksts:
Coverage: Riga, Jurmala, and Riga district
Organizational listings
Year: 1983
Spisok abonentov telefonov predpriiatii, uchrezhdenii i organizatsii g. Rigi, Iurmaly i rizhskogo raiona Latviiskoi SSR
Coverage: Riga, Jurmala, and Riga district
Organizational listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1983
Spisok abonentov telefonov predpriiatii, uchrezhdenii i organizatsii raionov Latviiskoi SSR
Coverage: All of Latvia; arranged by raions, i.e, district
Organizational listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1985
Latvijas PSR rajonu uznemumu, iestazu un organizaciju telefonu abonentu saraksts:
Coverage: All of Latvia; arranged by rajons, i.e., district
Organizational listings
Year: 1985
Liepaja un apkartne: regionala telefonu gramata
Coverage: Liepaja
Organizational listings
Year: 1993/94
Spisok abonentov telefonov predpriiatii, uchrezhdenii i organizatsii Latviiskoi SSR
Coverage: All of Latvia; the first third of the book covers Riga; a small section covers Jurmala; the rest is arranged by rajons, i.e, district.
Organizational listings
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1976
Latvijas PSR rajonu uznemumu, iestazu un organizaciju telefonu abonentu saraksts
Coverage: All of Latvia; the first third of the book covers Riga; a small section covers Jurmala; the rest is arranged by rajons, i.e, district.
Organizational listings
Year: 1977
Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas telefonu saraksts
Coverage: Members, staff and offices of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
Organizational listings
Year: 1977, 1982, 1984
Spisok telefonov Akademii Nauk Latviiskoi SSR
Coverage: Members, staff and offices of the Latvian Academy of Sciences
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Organizational listings
Year: 1984
Spravochnik pochtovoi indeksatsii Latviiskoi SSR
Coverage: all of Latvia.
Provides: 1) zip codes for each city or region; 2) names of each postal office and its zip code; 3) names of streets in Riga and associated zip codes.
Language/alphabet: Russian text; names have been converted to the Cyrillic alphabet.
Year: 1989