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Cover of 1954 Bucharest telephone book

Address/Telephone Directories
from Romania
at the Library of Congress

  • Anuarul "Socec" al României-Mari = "Socec" Annuary of the Great-Roumania. Bucuresti: Editura "Socec & Co." Soc. Anon. (LC call number: DR286.A1A6; in European Division)

    This historic, two-volume address book for organizations and businesses throughout Romania was compiled around 1922-23 and stands as the most complete survey of Greater Romania during the interwar period. The Library of Congress has digitized this directory; for a detailed description and a link to it see Online Romanian Directories at the Library of Congress.

  • Anuarul de adrese din cuprinsul municipiului Bucuresti: cuprinde peste 25.000 adrese ale industriasilor, etc. si autoritatilor din cuprinsul Municipiului Bucuresti. Bucuresti: Editura Rudolf Mosse S.A. LC call number: DR286.A1A55 (in Cataloging Reference section)

    Annual business directory for Bucharest. Lists ministries, agencies, schools, cultural associations, etc. Part A follows with an alphabetical listing of all companies registered with the Department of Commerce and Industry, as well as individual tradesmen and practitioners of the free professions. Part B provides yellow pages. Part C is a brief list of headings used in part B. LC has the volume for 1937.

  • Abonatii S.A.R. de Telefoane: Bucuresti si jud. Ilfov. [Bucuresti]: Societatea Anonima Romana de Telefoane. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for Bucharest and the surrounding Ilfov judet (county). Provides residential and organizational listings. LC has August 1937 (updated through June 15, 1937); and August 1938 (updated through June 15, 1938).

  • Lista abonatilor S.A.R. de Telefoane din Bucuresti. [Bucuresti: Societatea Anonima Romana de Telefoane]. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for Bucharest, with residential and organizational listings. LC has 1947.

  • Lista abonatilor telefonici din Bucuresti. [Bucuresti]: Ministerul transporturilor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for Bucharest, with residential and organizational listings. LC has 1950 (updated through 15 April 1950); 1954; and 1958.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din Bucuresti. [Bucuresti]

    Annual telephone directory for Bucharest, with residential and organizational listings. LC has 1965; 1966; 1970; 1973; and 1977.

  • Lista abonatilor telefonici: provincie. [Bucuresti]: Administratia postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Telephone directory for regions other than Bucharest, with residential and organizational listings. Arranged by judet, then by city. LC has September 1949, updated through 1 July (from title page (detached cover gives publication date of February 1950).

  • Lista abonatilor telefonici din Regiunea Autonoma Maghiara. S.l.: Ministerul postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the area designated Autonomous Hungarian Region during the years 1952-1960, situated in the middle and east of Transylvania, comprising a large majority of Szekler Hungarians. Arranged by raion, then by subsections: 1) yellow pages; 2) residential; 3) government offices. LC has 1955, updated through June 15, 1955.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din localitatile Bacau, Piatra Neamt, Roman, orasul Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the towns of Bacau, Piatra Neamt, Roman, and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. (The town of Onesti was renamed Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej during the period 22 March 1965 - 20 May 1996). Provides residential and organizational listings, arranged by towns. LC has 1965.

  • Lista abonatilor telefonici din regiunea Stalin. [Stalin]: Ministerul postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for Brasov, which was renamed Stalin during the years 1950-1960. Arranged by raion, then by subsections: 1) yellow pages; 2) residential; 3) government offices. LC has 1955, updated through December 30, 1954.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din Brasov.
    LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for Brasov. Residential and organizational listings. LC has 1965.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din regiunea Cluj. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the Cluj region. Provides residential and organizational listings, arranged by raion, then by towns. LC has 1965; and the 1966 supplement.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din judetul Constanta. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the Constanta judet or county, with residential and organizational listings. LC has 1974.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din orasele Craiova si Tg. Jiu. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the cities of Craiova and Targu Jiu. Provides residential and organizational listings. LC has 1966.

  • Lista abonatilor telefonici din regiunea Iasi. [Iasi]: Ministerul postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for Iasi. Provides residential and organizational listings, arranged by raion. LC has 1955, updated through 1 March 1955.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic. Iasi. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the city of Iasi. Provides residential and organizational listings. LC has 1965.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din regiunea Suceava. Suceava. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the Suceava region. Residential and organizational listings, arranged by raion, then by towns. LC has 1967.

  • Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din municipiul Timisoara and judetul Timis. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories

    Annual telephone directory for the city of Timisoara and its surrounding judet (county), Timis. Provides residential and organizational listings. LC has 1975.

Related material on the Library of Congress web site:

Portals to the World: Romania  Selective links to Romanian internet resources, organized by subject. Part of the Library of Congress' Portals to the World project.

Romanian Collections at the Library of Congress   The Romanian collections at the Library of Congress are the largest in the Americas and probably the largest outside of Romania and Moldova. Monographic works either published in Romania or which pertain to Romania total approximately 40,000 titles.

Records from the Military Archives of the Romanian Ministry of National Defense     Index to the microfilm of declassified records held in the European Reading Room. Part of the joint Library of Congress--Department of Defense--Military Archives of the Romanian Ministry of National Defense (Bucharest) Open House project. View indexes for similar material from Poland and Hungary.

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