- Anuarul "Socec" al României-Mari = "Socec" Annuary of the Great-Roumania.
Bucuresti: Editura "Socec & Co." Soc. Anon. (LC call number: DR286.A1A6;
in European Division)
This historic, two-volume address book for organizations and businesses
throughout Romania was compiled around 1922-23 and stands as the most
complete survey of Greater Romania during the interwar period. The
Library of Congress has digitized this directory; for a detailed description
and a link to it see Online
Romanian Directories at the Library of Congress.
- Anuarul de adrese din cuprinsul municipiului Bucuresti: cuprinde peste
25.000 adrese ale industriasilor, etc. si autoritatilor din cuprinsul
Municipiului Bucuresti. Bucuresti: Editura Rudolf Mosse S.A. LC
call number: DR286.A1A55 (in Cataloging Reference section)
Annual business directory for Bucharest. Lists ministries, agencies,
schools, cultural associations, etc. Part A follows with an alphabetical
listing of all companies registered with the Department of Commerce
and Industry, as well as individual tradesmen and practitioners of
the free professions. Part B provides yellow pages. Part C is a brief
list of headings used in part B. LC has the volume for 1937.
- Abonatii S.A.R. de Telefoane: Bucuresti si jud. Ilfov. [Bucuresti]:
Societatea Anonima Romana de Telefoane. LC location: Foreign Telephone
Annual telephone directory for Bucharest and the surrounding Ilfov
judet (county). Provides residential and organizational listings. LC
has August 1937 (updated through June 15, 1937); and August 1938 (updated
through June 15, 1938).
Lista abonatilor S.A.R. de Telefoane din Bucuresti. [Bucuresti: Societatea
Anonima Romana de Telefoane]. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for Bucharest, with residential and organizational
listings. LC has 1947.
- Lista abonatilor telefonici din Bucuresti. [Bucuresti]: Ministerul
transporturilor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone
Annual telephone directory for Bucharest, with residential and organizational
listings. LC has 1950 (updated through 15 April 1950); 1954; and 1958.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din Bucuresti. [Bucuresti]
Annual telephone directory for Bucharest, with residential and organizational
listings. LC has 1965; 1966; 1970; 1973; and 1977.
- Lista abonatilor telefonici: provincie. [Bucuresti]: Administratia
postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Telephone directory for regions other than Bucharest, with residential
and organizational listings. Arranged by judet, then by city. LC has
September 1949, updated through 1 July (from title page (detached cover
gives publication date of February 1950).
- Lista abonatilor telefonici din Regiunea Autonoma Maghiara. S.l.:
Ministerul postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign
Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the area designated Autonomous Hungarian
Region during the years 1952-1960, situated in the middle and east
of Transylvania, comprising a large majority of Szekler Hungarians.
Arranged by raion, then by subsections: 1) yellow pages; 2) residential;
3) government offices. LC has 1955, updated through June 15, 1955.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din localitatile Bacau, Piatra
Neamt, Roman, orasul Gh. Gheorghiu-Dej. LC location: Foreign Telephone
Annual telephone directory for the towns of Bacau, Piatra Neamt, Roman,
and Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. (The town of Onesti was renamed Gheorghe
Gheorghiu-Dej during the period 22 March 1965 - 20 May 1996). Provides
residential and organizational listings, arranged by towns. LC has
- Lista abonatilor telefonici din regiunea Stalin. [Stalin]: Ministerul
postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for Brasov, which was renamed Stalin during
the years 1950-1960. Arranged by raion, then by subsections: 1) yellow
pages; 2) residential; 3) government offices. LC has 1955, updated
through December 30, 1954.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din Brasov.
LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for Brasov. Residential and organizational
listings. LC has 1965.
Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din regiunea Cluj. LC
location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the Cluj region. Provides residential
and organizational listings, arranged by raion, then by towns. LC has
1965; and the 1966 supplement.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din judetul Constanta. LC
location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the Constanta judet or county, with
residential and organizational listings. LC has 1974.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din orasele Craiova si Tg.
Jiu. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the cities of Craiova and Targu Jiu.
Provides residential and organizational listings. LC has 1966.
- Lista abonatilor telefonici din regiunea Iasi. [Iasi]: Ministerul
postelor si telecomunicatiilor. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for Iasi. Provides residential and organizational
listings, arranged by raion. LC has 1955, updated through 1 March 1955.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic. Iasi. LC location: Foreign
Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the city of Iasi. Provides residential
and organizational listings. LC has 1965.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din regiunea Suceava. Suceava.
LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the Suceava region. Residential and
organizational listings, arranged by raion, then by towns. LC has 1967.
- Lista abonatilor la serviciul telefonic din municipiul Timisoara
and judetul Timis. LC location: Foreign Telephone Directories
Annual telephone directory for the city of Timisoara and its surrounding
judet (county), Timis. Provides residential and organizational listings.
LC has 1975.