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Cover of the 1958 Chisinau residential telephone book

Address/Telephone Directories
from Moldova
at the Library of Congress

Anuarul "Socec" al României-Mari = "Socec" Annuary of the Great-Roumania. Bucuresti: Editura "Socec & Co." Soc. Anon.   (LC call number: DR286.A1A6; in European Division)

This two-volume address book for organizations and businesses throughout Romania circa 1925 includes Moldova, Bessarabia, and Bucovina. The directory was intended to be an annual but appears to have been published only once. It stands as the most complete survey of Greater Romania during the interwar period. The Library of Congress has digitized this directory; for a detailed description and a link to it see Online Romanian Directories at the Library of Congress.
  • Volume I , 1925-1926 (Capitala), covers Bucharest; its several parts have separate paginations, adding up to over 900 pages. Part I lists government offices, directors, upper management. Part II lists "Diverse Institutions" - religious, cultural, charities, schools, public assistance, hospitals, the press, societies, and circles and clubs. Part III, the largest section, covers commerce, industry, and the professions, including businesses, owners, professors, teachers, etc; it is preceded by a subject index in English, French, German and Romanian.
  • Volume II, 1924-25 (Provincia) covers the rest of Romania; its several sections have separate paginations, adding up to over 2,000 pages. It begins with Part IV, Provinces of the Old Kingdom (including Moldova). Part V concerns The New Roumanian Annexed Provinces - Bucovina, Transilvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures, Basarabia. Arranged by judet, then by city or commune, it lists organizations, businesses, directors, owners, and so forth, and concludes with indexes of the villages and towns listed in the volume.

All the directories listed below are in Russian and use Cyrillic letters for the names of organizations and individuals. For the purposes of this list, titles are transliterated into Latin letters using the Library of Congress transliteration system.

Kishinevskaia gorodskaia telefonnaia set'.
Annual telephone directory for Kishinev/Chisinau, with organizational listings only. LC has 1987.
LC Location: Foreign Telephone Directories.

Spisok abonentov Bel'tskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti. Annual telephone directory for Bel'tsy (called Balti in Romanian), with both residential and organizational listings. LC has 1969.
LC Location: Foreign Telephone Directories.

Spisok abonentov Kishinevskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti ... Annual telephone directory for Kishinev/Chisinau, with both residential and organizational listings. LC has 1956, 1958, 1968, 1969 (One version for 1969 has additional title information: "S dopolneniiami po sostoianiiu na 1 iiunia 1969 g.", but the date on the cover is 1968. Second copy has 1969 on cover), and 1971 ("Dopolnitel'nyi spisok abonentov Kishinevskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti po sostoianiiu na 1 ianvaria ... g. : prilozhenie k spisku abonentov vypuska g." And "Prilozhenie k spisku abonentov vypuska 1969 g.").
LC Location: Foreign Telephone Directories.

Spisok abonentov Kishinevskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti : uchrezhdeniia, predpriiatiia, organizatsii.
Annual telephone directory for Kishinev/Chisinau, with organizational listings only. LC has 1973.
LC Location: Foreign Telephone Directories.

Spisok abonentov Kishinevskoi gorodskoi telefonnoi seti individual'nogo pol'zovaniia.
Annual telephone directory for Kishinev/Chisinau, with residential listings only. LC has 1977.
LC Location: Foreign Telephone Directories.

Related material on the Library of Congress web site:

Address/Telephone Directories from Romania at the Library of Congress   A bibliography of the Library of Congress's holdings of retrospective telephone and address directories for approximately a dozen Romanian cities and regions. Both residential and organizational directories are represented.

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